View Full Version : Up your nose??

15-03-10, 07:23
Yes i asked something similar but now everyone thinks they know what the thread is about so if i added something no one would look, so sorry in advance if you think it is a duplicate, if it is please merge the two threads and call that one this ones title please...

If i had semen on my finger and accidentally put my finger up my nose would there be any harm??

To add to that are there anythings that could get into your brain in everyday life if you put your finger up your nose??

15-03-10, 07:51
not at all dont worry ,you will be fine

15-03-10, 09:02
You and only you are causing your own grief.

If you so insist on getting semen on your hands, perhaps giving them a wash would be a good idea? Or, you know, you could abstain from touching yourself so much.

15-03-10, 09:42
but there is nothing wrong with getting it up my nose??

15-03-10, 12:51
no nothing will happen at all

15-03-10, 15:43
It's actually expelled from your own body, so why would it harm you?

15-03-10, 15:47
Sorry but......


This thread has made me feel better.

15-03-10, 17:38
Aw that's not fair... I know many of my worries caused my husband to roll his eyes several times. So, because people without HA don't really understand the irrational fears we have sometimes - we come to those who do. Give the guy a break.

Hon, you can get semen ANYWHERE on OR in your body and it will be completely harmless to you. When semen hits the air, sperm die very quickly and it just dries up and that's it. The only place semen might cause issue is in a woman who doesn't want to get pregnant, and even then, it's perfectly safe and normal . LOL

Oh, and things getting up into your brain via your nose is possible but usually via the sinus and infection, not by putting things in there.

Have fun!