View Full Version : Worried sick (ladies only please)

15-03-10, 09:47
Some of you may know I went to visit my niece in Majorca a week or so ago and I was so worried because of my anxiety. Well, the flight and first few days were really good with only minimal anxiety. Then my IBS started playing up badly and I also got a different pain, felt like a knife being twisted up into my vaginal area. Agony. Got back to Glasgow and stayed at my daughters for night..suddenly got really yellow, foul smelling discharge. It wasn't loads but in night woke and it was all over pj's!!! Panic central!!!! Phoned NHS 24 and told to go to day hospital Sunday morning, which I did. Doc gave me examination and strong antibiotics and said go to own docs when I got back home to the island where I live. Discharge stoppped and pain went. Doc here at home said on examining me that there was something not right, he had no idea what it was and had never sseen anything like it before!!!!:scared15::scared15::scared15:
Made me wait 3 days to see lady doctor who was much nicer and said she didn't think it seemed cancerous but she has taken swabs etc. and I will get results Wednesday. Also got to see gynaecologist on 26th March.
Sorry this is so long but couldn't make it any shorter. If you read it then thanks. I'm feeling very scared at the moment and needless to say I've got myself dead and buried.
Thanks in advance for any replies.

15-03-10, 10:00
Oh Judy, sorry you're going through a horrible time, that sounds just so painful=(
I know how it feels to have a doctor have no idea whats wrong with you, and it really does just fill you with dread.

All the best with your results on wednesday, PM me and let me know how it goes.
In the mean time just keep yourself busy and if you want to chat at all, just message me okay lovey.

Take care

15-03-10, 10:03
Thank you so much. It helps to talk here because I don't want to keep on and on about it to my family. I know they are worried too.xxx

Forgot to say I had a hysterectomy and ovaries removed years ago so I don't have much up there! Makes it even more puzzling.