View Full Version : When You Meet Somebody For The 1st Time, Whats the 1st Thing You Notice About Them?

15-03-10, 09:50
I am aware of how clean they look! Is that weird?

15-03-10, 09:59
Emmmmmm!!! That depends!!!!!

Their eyes!!! Eyes say a lot about a person i think???

15-03-10, 12:33
What if they haven't got any? Now thats thrown u hasn't it?lol!

Lack of eye contact makes me nervous and distrusting but too much scares me (can't win)! I can remember a lovely man I used to work with years ago, when he spoke to me his eyes would bore into the back of my brain, he always maintained eye contact with me and I always felt like throwing up every time he looked at me (charming!). There was attraction between us but I couldn't handle the intensity of his glare! I always looked away! He probably thought I wasn't interested.

andrea thompson
15-03-10, 13:21
i dont really know what it is that i notice but i make an instant decision as to wether i like this person or not... i will sort of think you seem nice or hhmm i dont like you!! lol. this is without knowing anything about the person. its probably just from their smile or lack of smile. eh maybe i have a sixth sense...omg!!!! lol

x x

15-03-10, 13:27
"What if they havn't got any eyes" Yes that has thrown me smudger!!!
Eeeemmmm! Then it would be,, do they have a kind face!!! Oh no smudger,,,don't tell me they don't have a face either!!!

15-03-10, 15:14
I like someone who will smile readily. I hate it when you meet someone who is afraid to crack a smile. No matter how I feel I am always very willing to smile, or laugh. :):D
Myra x

15-03-10, 15:17
I notice peoples hands first, mostly to see if they bite their nails or not because it makes me cringe lol

15-03-10, 18:16
"What if they havn't got any eyes" Yes that has thrown me smudger!!!
Eeeemmmm! Then it would be,, do they have a kind face!!! Oh no smudger,,,don't tell me they don't have a face either!!!

Oh Wayne, that so made me titter!!!!!!lol!

15-03-10, 18:18
I notice peoples hands first, mostly to see if they bite their nails or not because it makes me cringe lol

You wud definately cringe if you met me, if you met my husband you would cringe n shrivel up coz he hasn't had any white on his nails for 26 years!

What do you think this says about somebody though, I am interested!

margaret jones
15-03-10, 19:06
i notice someones eyes then mouth / teeth dont like bad teeth uggggg

17-03-10, 02:15
On a completely shallow level - hair, teeth and shoes.

Once you get talking though, it's all about the eyes isn't it? And whether or not they have a genuine smile for you.

jude uk
17-03-10, 02:30
I went on two dates a while back. One had hair on their chin and the other had brought her small dog that was in her bag and she let it lick her lips...I notice eyes most then ears

17-03-10, 14:24

Once you get talking though, it's all about the eyes isn't it? And whether or not they have a genuine smile for you.

I guess it shows some real honest connection.

17-03-10, 14:25
I went on two dates a while back. One had hair on their chin and the other had brought her small dog that was in her bag and she let it lick her lips...I notice eyes most then ears

urgh, fancy letting a dog lick your lips...it licks its bottom...urgh!

18-03-10, 11:53
eyes and hair, then smile as i hate bad teeth

18-03-10, 12:01
eyes smile

Granny Primark
18-03-10, 20:08
I notice their eyes then their teeth.
Ive always thought that people smile with their eyes more than their mouth.
Its more of a genuine smile.

18-03-10, 21:28
Ive always thought that people smile with their eyes more than their mouth. Its more of a genuine smile.

I agree. The eyes reveal a great deal.

Vanilla Sky
18-03-10, 21:33
Its eyes for me and then smile

18-03-10, 21:41
The body hehe!:D

18-03-10, 21:44

19-03-10, 16:23
You ask some interesting questions Smudger! You have an inquisitive mind....

Eyes. I notice when someone can't keep eye contact and the direction in which they look when they're speaking. I think someone's eyes reveal the most.

They say that our eyes are the window to the soul - and I agree...

21-03-10, 00:08
i say smile......... esp Tyrone's smile. dreeeeeeeeeeeeamy :)

21-03-10, 01:59
I notice shoes first and always have done. I don't know why. :shrug:
I was terrible when I was younger because if a guy had horrid shoes, it put me off him straight away! :lac:

23-03-10, 00:17

23-03-10, 16:23
Their eyes.