View Full Version : constantly worried and scared

15-03-10, 11:16
I seem to spend all my time worrying about my health that its getting to the point of affecting my work now. I am constantly dizzy and I feel this is probably due to anxiety created by the constant worry. I recently lost my mother-in-law to the big C in a space of only 6 weeks and having had a hysterectomy back in 2000 a previous steralisaton clip migrated to my diaphram and now all i worry about is will it move or if there is any pain is it refferred pain from the clip. The consultant said its ok for the body and safer to leave it where it is, my gp has referred me for CBT and im waiting on this, but i worry all the time and find it harder and harder to be positive about things

I feel useless not being able to sort this out and get over the anxiety issues. Its getting in the way of everything lately.

Sorry to vent my feelings but I Hope writing it down helps me really :weep:

15-03-10, 11:47
Sorry to hear you're not feeling so good Dollie. I know the exact feeling, I too have this anxiety and the dizzy head is blooming awful. I am able to work full-time though and I find that helps me cos I have something else that I have to concentrate on. Do you work? I know it is hard to tell someone else 'not to worry' when you are doing exactly that yourself! I am going to start CBT on Wednesday evening but I have had to do this privately, couldn't wait for NHS because they sent me a letter when I was at the height of my anxiety/panic and told me if they didn't hear from me then they would take it I didn't need it!! Obviously, I didn't respond because I didn't know if I was on my backside or my elbow and so now I am going privately. I just need that little extra push to help me, the Citalopram have been great but I still, like you, think about it constantly and worry myself about HA all the time.

I do hope you will soon start to feel better Dollie, it can't help that you have this problem with a clip inside you, but I am sure that if it was going to cause you any problem they would investigate it. Just try and think nice thoughts, oh if only :-).

You can email me any time you like if you need to talk.

All the best to you and I hope you will soon start to feel better.

Jannie x x

15-03-10, 11:57
ty jannie, i do work and whilst it was a distraction, im finding it harder and harder to concentrate these days.
Thanks for your support though its good to know there are people out there who understand what we all go and are going thru :hugs: