View Full Version : Feeling bloated under ribs especially on right side.

15-03-10, 11:40
Just wondered if anybody has ever had this. It's really worrying me.:weep: It's not really painful but just uncomfy and if I slouch a bit or lean over it feels like my right ribs are sticking in something. I have had pain under my ribs before and the doctor examined me and said my liver wasn't enlarged and everything felt fine. He did some blood tests which were normal but I can't remember feeling bloated last time it happened.

I do suffer with health anxiety and I know this makes things worse - I don't know if things are in my head or real any more.:weep:

I've booked an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow and I'm dreading it.:weep:

16-03-10, 09:12
Oh well as I expected, no replies.:sad: Maybe it's time I didn't post my worries here anymore, I never seem to get any replies even though I try to help others.:sad:

16-03-10, 09:20
Please don't be angry Jan - I guess like all HA sufferers we can be a bit self obssessed (I am when it comes to worries!) which is why people haven't responded quickly. This is a great site so don't stop using.
You could well have pulled a muscle especially if it hurts when you lean over. I went through a period of feeling bloated and it really scared me...lasted for weeks and I though the worse - that with the pain behind my ribs. After all the tests came back normal the doctor prescribed Omprazole and it really helped. The HA definately increased all the feeling for me.
I know it's hard but try not to worry. The real illness here is the HA:hugs:

16-03-10, 09:23
I'm sorry, I just had a panic attack this morning and feel really down. I was shaking and sweating and had chest pains. I've got in a state because I've got a doctors appointment later and I'm dreading it.:weep:

16-03-10, 09:29
jan when i firdt started with this illness had a pain in same place no matter what it wouldnt go away .i used to panic with it to ,, anyway found out i was making lot of acid witch led to bloating and pain ,hope you go on ok at docters love xx

16-03-10, 09:42
Ive had this lately too and it is very worrying, I keep telling myself its just the anxiety though. Let us know how you get on at the doctors, good luck & Im sure you will be fine :)

16-03-10, 09:49
Hello Jan,

I'm so sorry you are feeling despondent with it all, sending you big hugs and positive thoughts. I am sure everything is fine, I have had muscle aches and pains in all sorts of places. I had my liver checked aswell when I had pain there (lasted for three weeks!)
At the moment I am looking into how I can get better with my sciatica and stumbled across a site for back pain that suggests its all psychological etc. I am reading the e book that I have downloaded and I think I could apply it all to my HA. I will give anything ago!! My HA comes in the shape of aches and pains, which then make me very anxious which then turns in to dizzyness etc.
Good luck at the doctors and I hope it starts to calm down.
:hugs: Zoe xx

16-03-10, 13:47
Hi Jan, sorry you are not feeling too good, hope it goes well for you at Dr's. This blooming HA is a pain in itself, let alone all the other aches and pains we get :-) Easy to say, but try not to worry, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and let us know how you get on.

All the best to you

Jannie x x

16-03-10, 15:45
Hi Jan,

Sorry to hear that things aren't going to well for you at the moment and I wish you the best of luck at the Dr's tomorrow.

I don't have HA so tend not to reply much to people with HA questions as I feel that I am not experienced enough to give the support that the person with HA needs

Take care xxx :hugs:

16-03-10, 21:24
Thanks for your replies, they mean a lot. :hugs: Just had a really horrible day. I had to cancel the doctors because I didn't feel up to it. I took a diazepam tablet to calm me down a bit and it spaced me out a bit and made me feel very tired. :unsure: I didn't feel that I could really talk to the doctor concerned either as last time I saw her she just seemed to brush my worries off as silly so I cancelled and made a new appointment for next Monday with a new doctor who is meant to be really nice and sympathetic. I have spent all day today in tears and I don't know why.:weep:

16-03-10, 21:31
Jan, sorry that you have had such a bad day. I think it makes all the difference when you see a Dr who understands what you are going through. It took 3 different Dr's in my practice until I was finally understood, the first 2 put me on high blood pressure tablets that made me feel so terribly ill. The Dr I see now is excellent, he listens to me and totally gets what I am going through. I do hope that when you see the new Dr on Monday that they help you with what you are going through. It's horrible that you have had a day where you have felt so low that you have had to be in tears all day, I know those exact feelings. When I first started with anxiety/panic attacks I used to just cry and cry because I was so scared and that feeling is awful. I too have diazapam for those bad days, but with the citalopram I am feeling much better. I start having CBT for the first time tomorrow evening and I'm hoping this too helps.

Here's hoping that you have a better day tomorrow and that you get on well on Monday with the new Dr.

All the very best to you

Jannie x x