View Full Version : Recovery Process?

15-03-10, 12:34
Ok so I have been on meds close to 12 weeks now and I guess I have seen some improvement. My motivation is coming back and not as tired. Im finding there are the odd good days but then days that are really hard again with bad horrible thoughts. Is this normal when recovering over the months its so frustrating?

andrea thompson
15-03-10, 13:16
hi hon

i started on citalopram in dec and like you i have seen a real improvement but ccasionally still feel anxious and worried for no real reason. i think its normal to be like this. i have been through the recovery process once before and i remember it being the same..

i would describe it like you are bad everyday at first then gradually you get some relief and have odd good days, then you have gradually more good days than bad until you have generally all good days with just odd pooh days.. t is a long slow process. i am just grateful that i am better now than i was three months ago. its hard to keeping fighting for so long but what choice do we have.

i hope this helps - take care

andrea x x

16-03-10, 14:30
Thanks for your response. Im having a really bad day today consumed with hellish thoughts and feeling really low. Im at the docs tomorrow I dont know whether maybe an increase is needed or something else.

16-03-10, 14:56
Hey Chris,
It sounds as though the medication is helping you slowly but surely - what with your energy levels being better and the good days cropping up every so often. I can understand your thinking of maybe upping the dose, but don't rush into something like that, as it can sometimes do more harm than good. Discuss it with your dr and family/friends.
Take care :-)