View Full Version : Anybody got the cold at the moment?

15-03-10, 12:56
Feeling lousy with a blocked nose, tried and feel I can't breathe and feel weak and all cold.

Anybody else suffering from the cold?

andrea thompson
15-03-10, 13:10
hi hon...

oh yes i have had it... its awful... i fealt i couldnt breath ad my chest was really sort of tight. i fealt absolutly knackered and lousy but other than that couldnt quite put my finger on what was wrong. i went to dr and they said i could fight it myself then went back a week later and they said needed anti biotics. it has really set me back with my depression aswell.. i thought i was just coping and then fealt like absolute crap!!!!

get yourself to the drs. i was using menthol crystals to helpo me breath and i was taking cold and flu remedy from the chemist it did help me!!!

take care and i hope you feeling better soon.

andrea x x

15-03-10, 19:13
Thanks managed to eat my dinner just never a bit sick after it.

I'm suffering some health anxiety again I hope it's not swine flu or some serious flu. :blush:

margaret jones
15-03-10, 19:29
It is a miserable cold you have get the steam inhalations going and spoil yourself for a few days xxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-03-10, 23:22
I hope so. Getting a bit hot now hope it's not swine flu been googleing symptoms again. :lac:

15-03-10, 23:35
Anybody basically just got a blocked and runny nose? With no other noticeable symptoms?

I have, and I'm hoping it's something that can explain my swollen cervical lymph node...

16-03-10, 23:11
I've got a sore head and the side of my face feels strained at the cheeks..

anybody else got this?

15-09-10, 21:41
I've had a blocked nose again and some patches of my skin has felt sensitive and cold..is that a sign of a cold?

Also been feeling panicy and weak due to it..is it just a cold?

15-09-10, 22:02
Anxiety is pretty weird,
You can get to feel flu-like with no real illness, and it can make your real condition much worse.

Whenever I get a flu/cold I know it's not anxiety because my resting heart rate goes up due to the fever/fighting. It's really irritating, but I found the best method to fight it off is to eat some nice soup :)

Hope you feel better! :yesyes:

paula lynne
15-09-10, 22:38
You sound like you have the flu, especially the sensative skin...lots of people I know are coming down with it, change of seasons, weather etc. Rest, plenty of fluid, and paracetamol every 4-6hrs xx get better soon x:winks:

24-09-10, 12:54
I 've got it now, horrible, feeling anxious with it constantly aswell

25-12-10, 21:01
Anybody had the cold over xmas?

I had little sleep last night but got worse with the cold..feel ill..shivering, run down, awful all day...

really spoiled my xmas..anybody else had it? :blush:

Going home
25-12-10, 22:24
This cold's gone on a long time...all the way from March :D A cold is a cold and most people get one at this time of year....children too. They can make you feel lousy but mostly you just have to ride them out, drinking lempsips etc.


25-12-10, 23:11
This cold's gone on a long time...all the way from March :D A cold is a cold and most people get one at this time of year....children too. They can make you feel lousy but mostly you just have to ride them out, drinking lempsips etc.


Nah it went away just never wanted a new thread lol.

I've had paracetamol and sipping juice..feel so sick. Looks like work is off tomorrow for me.

Must be a bug.

26-12-10, 00:14
I have the cold, again, however I have still got the chesty cough from last month. I'm fed up with it, lots of lemonsips, pain killers, if I could spell I would write the proper words. aching muscles due to coughing.

26-12-10, 09:16
Lots of cold/flu bugs doing the rounds at the moment. Taking paracetamol and sipping juice is just as good as any of the expensive 'cures' at the chemist.

30-12-10, 18:46
sorry to hijack but does anyone know if you can take sudafed with citalopram? I have a completly blocked ear to go along with my cold and it feels like my ear drum is stretching it hurts so much! - any ideas most appreciated!

*sniff, cough, splutter* xxx