View Full Version : hey

15-03-10, 14:02
Hi im Michelle, im new to this, I started to take panic attacks over the last few weeks. I lost my partner six months ago and I think everything just got on top of me. Grieve and money worries and looking after our 16 month daughter on my own. The first one I took was couple of weeks ago, and I ended up in the hospital because I didnt know what was happening to me. To be honest I thought I was taking a heart attack.

It was very scary. Well went to the doc the next day and he put me on tablets. So I have learned to deal with them and notice when im about to have one.

Well thats all for now.


15-03-10, 14:10
Hi mchlltraynor

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-03-10, 15:18
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to NMP. I'm a new member here myself. I hope you find lots of information and helpful advice. I have never suffered any major panic attacks, they sound awful for you.

Take care and keep in touch.


15-03-10, 15:39
Hello Michelle,
First of all, I'm so sorry about your partner. Your heart must be broken, and to have such a wee baby as well. You've done the right thing joining nmp. You will get lots of support and reassurance from people who are going through the same as you and you'll realise you're not alone. Take care.
Myra x:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
15-03-10, 19:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

15-03-10, 20:58
Hi michelle,

So sorry to hear of your loss, must be devestating for you hun. You have come to the right place here, there are so many kind, caring and helpful people who relate to how you are feeling.

Hope you find help here. Take care. Jo.xx

margaret jones
15-03-10, 21:02
Welcome to you there will be lots of help and advice on this site to help you through this difficult time please take care of yourself

Maggie :hugs:

16-03-10, 00:47
Hi Michelle

:welcome:to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your partner.

Best wishes :hugs: