View Full Version : What a waste of time!!

15-03-10, 14:35
I had a CPN appointment this morning following my GP's referral for CBT for a recent relapse of agoraphobic behaviours. After taking my history and establishing the main issues, the CPN informed me that not only can he not offer CBT due to the limited time he spends at my surgery, BUT that he couldn't refer me either. He gave me a leaflet for the local mental health concern centre and told me I had to ring to refer myself.

Is this not something the GP could have given to me? I organised cover for my class as the appointment was meant to be 11am - 12pm (ended up 11am - 11:20am), just to be given a leaflet with a phone number on it. I am so cross!

I have since rang the number and am now awaiting a telephone interview.

I'm waiting to be told that I don't qualify for treatment as I can still drive to work - I can't take my rubbish to the bin outside my house, walk to the end of the street or even think about a shopping centre, but I can still drive so all is obviously well. This was certainly the impression the CPN gave me. After filling in a DEPRESSION (not ANXIETY) questionnaire, he described my condition as mild-moderate. I wonder if he would have considered it so after a week of being held hostage to his home, work and the local supermarket :mad:

Sorry for rant, I just needed to get it out of my system


15-03-10, 14:42
Hi Nic

Its good to rant - just gets it out of the system!

Sometimes the (so called) 'professionals' behaviours and attitudes leave alot to be desired, so i understand your frustrations.

Sending you a big hug:bighug1:

Take care


15-03-10, 15:27

I think that is shocking and i certainly wouldn't take that sitting down.

Fight it hun!


15-03-10, 16:56
I will certainly be mentioning it when I next see my GP. He just didn't seem to get it at all. Bare in mind the stress of knowing I had the appointment, knowing I had to go over it all again, no to mention the ordeal of sitting in the doctor's surgery. It would be bad enough if it was for something else, say exessive ear wax, but when you are undergoing treatment for and anxiety problem its unforgiveable. And what for? I wouldn't even rate it as an assessment - that's going to happen during the phone interview.

Oops, I'm off on one again :blush:, sorry.


15-03-10, 16:59
What a disappointment for you. You build yourself up for these things and then for nothing to happen is hopeless. Yes, I'd tell my doctor exactly what I thought about this scenario because it hasn't done your anxiety any good. I hope it all works out for you.

15-03-10, 19:12
Dear Nic I would definitely try to find out why you were not given a referal for CBT. It seems grossly unfair to rate your anxiety on a depression scale. If your anxiety keeps you imprisoned in your own home then I would have thought you would be a good candidate for CBT. I remember once seeing a consultant and expecting to be put on a waiting list for treatment and to be told that no such list existed in the first place. The frustration of it all but I did not give up. You at least deserve an explaination as to why they could not offer you a place.

15-03-10, 19:28
It's not that I haven't been given a referral but that the CPN said the service was self referral only. I just don't understand why the GP referred me to the CPN this being the case, it served only to raise my anxiety and waste my time. Bloody beaurocratic nonsense which left me feeling angry and, to some degree a waste of resources.

15-03-10, 19:29
The place I've had to self refer to is a charity which works with the NHS.