View Full Version : eye constantly twiching!

15-03-10, 15:33

my eyes constantly twitching.. its gettin really irritating and im worrying about it! it even does it when i close my eyes. i heard stress can do it. but i dont feel stressed? what else could it be? x:shrug:

15-03-10, 15:51
Mine did this for weeks then just stopped one day. Tiredness and stress is the cause. It's totally benign, relax.

Rachel W
15-03-10, 21:15
Stress...eye twitches are one of those benign but annoying occurrences...

15-03-10, 21:32
tiredness and stress causes eye 2 twitch, mines been doing it this week x

16-03-10, 09:06
yes twitchy eye syndrome! unbelievable how annoying this is. i think i first had this 30 years ago. it's a pain but nothing to worry about. relax.:)

30-03-10, 17:29
Mine did that last year for 4 months. I ended up taking diazepam for a week to stop it. Doctor thought my eye had got into the habit of twitching & needed the muscle relaxant to help it stop. It worked.

Incidentally, I read somewhere that calcium deficiency can be a factor. When my twitch was bad, I did happen to be on a very low fat diet & was probably not getting enough calcium. Just a thought.

Cell block H fan
30-03-10, 17:52
Its called a Tic. My doctor even said he gets it, when I went about it myself years ago. Its annoying but harmless.
It can be caused by stress, but ive had it when not noticibly stressed before so who knows!

30-03-10, 18:16
I know I sound like I have had everything but I guess Im just trying to be helpful but my eye twitched for a whole year I kid you not - I went to a summer school in 2008 and had very little sleep there and my eye started twitching, it carried on it was a very stressful time both work and family wise) for the next 12 months and I went back to the same summer school a year later to the week and it stopped!!! Weird or what??

Anyway my point is during that year I thought I was going mad from it, thought it was a braing tumour a nervous system problem or MS - its tiured out to be none of those of course but I still repeatedly asked the doctor about it. If it does drive you that crazy the doctor can get you referred to have a very small botox injection in the eyelid to block the nerves but that does have its risks of course and if mine can go away aftyer a year then yours will go too...

good luck


Cell block H fan
30-03-10, 18:54
I know I sound like I have had everything but I guess Im just trying to be helpful but my eye twitched for a whole year I kid you not - I went to a summer school in 2008 and had very little sleep there and my eye started twitching, it carried on it was a very stressful time both work and family wise) for the next 12 months and I went back to the same summer school a year later to the week and it stopped!!! Weird or what??

Anyway my point is during that year I thought I was going mad from it, thought it was a braing tumour a nervous system problem or MS - its tiured out to be none of those of course but I still repeatedly asked the doctor about it. If it does drive you that crazy the doctor can get you referred to have a very small botox injection in the eyelid to block the nerves but that does have its risks of course and if mine can go away aftyer a year then yours will go too...

good luck


The first bit you said had me thinking blimey, yes, ive replied to about 3 different threads today, I must sound like i'm trying to be a right know it all! lol But most things I.B.S or Gyne related I do seem to have had over the years! I rarely reply to the MS, chest pain/heart, Indigestion, brain tumour ones because I haven't experienced those symptoms. Yet!

30-03-10, 19:43
LOL thanks cell block H fan its just that I have been diabetic since I was 8 and have experiences HA for about as long as I can remmeber - not so bad when I was a child but got very bad from 19 onwards and almost dibilitating when I was about 23 and started getting retinopathy and a stupid and unsympathetic locum doctor who diagnosed it said 'yes you are young you might go blind!' NICE - anyways I I seem to have had many of the anixiety related symptoms so thats why I reply to so many threads. I dont get freaked out about lots of health relatedmatters like I have had six hand operations for trigger finger and carpel tunnel and even though thats diabetes related in my case it doesnt scare me at all but anything heart, circulation or brain related and Im a wreck.... sigh...

This sight has given me such a boost though not only recognising that so many of the symptoms I have are truly anxiety related and not me being a drama queen or weird but also that I feel like I can put all the negativity about my health to good use to help other people - thats a nice feeling :D


Cell block H fan
30-03-10, 20:27
LOL thanks cell block H fan its just that I have been diabetic since I was 8 and have experiences HA for about as long as I can remmeber - not so bad when I was a child but got very bad from 19 onwards and almost dibilitating when I was about 23 and started getting retinopathy and a stupid and unsympathetic locum doctor who diagnosed it said 'yes you are young you might go blind!' NICE - anyways I I seem to have had many of the anixiety related symptoms so thats why I reply to so many threads. I dont get freaked out about lots of health relatedmatters like I have had six hand operations for trigger finger and carpel tunnel and even though thats diabetes related in my case it doesnt scare me at all but anything heart, circulation or brain related and Im a wreck.... sigh...

This sight has given me such a boost though not only recognising that so many of the symptoms I have are truly anxiety related and not me being a drama queen or weird but also that I feel like I can put all the negativity about my health to good use to help other people - thats a nice feeling :D


Yep, I know what you mean. Thats what has me coming back here to be honest. Even if I am having a good month or two, & dont need advice I still come back in case someone else is having symptoms I have had before that turned out to be nothing serious. It is often a thankless thing ive noticed, but hopefully it makes a difference deep down & thats the main thing.
There ya go, we both 'specialise' in the opposite things too so we make a good team :yesyes:

30-03-10, 20:30
I only get them when I have anxiety..also when I haven't slept good the day before..

04-08-10, 12:39
I get that twitch every few days too. Its when I am tired but sometimes when I rub my eyes too much as well