View Full Version : Really worried about exercise...!!!

15-03-10, 16:21
I really want to get more toned & healthier, I have PCOS so it's vital really...

My Dad has just bought a really great exercise bike!
& I really want to use it, I'm just scared :(

Plus, it has a pulse thing on it & all I did was put my hands on it & my pulse was high again :(
It was 75bpms at first but then it quickly just kept creeping up & up, I wasn't even peddling! When it reached 112bpms I took my hands off it quick! So imagine how it'd be if I was actually peddling on it...!

I'd like to say that I'm quite fit in general really, I'm only 23 next month & used to go for like, hour long walks with no problem before my anxiety kicked off last December & I still like to go for little walks with my sister so that my mind is taken off my pulse or any panic. I rarely get out of breath on these walks.

So would half an hour on an exercise bike really harm me?
Any advice would be appreciated.

15-03-10, 21:18
hi sal!

Im 25 and just started exercising again and those pulse thingys are such a menace! I think start with 10 - 15 mins and see how you go. If you can manage that then push up to 20. You dont want to go all in for half an hour and get all anxious if your hearts going 10 to the dozen!! A little tip someone gave me was to put a towl over the display so you cant keep pulse checking and the time goes much faster al well! Or if thats not an option - put some socks on the handles!!!
In the long run the exercise will make you feel so much better as you'll be getting stronger and healthier and bruns off all that excess adrenalin!
give it a go and get fit!!
anna xx

15-03-10, 21:21
Hi sal

I am 42 and I hit 160 bpm in the gym using a cross trainer so I wouldn't even worry at your age and bpm, go for it :)

15-03-10, 21:44
My doc told me to fat burn I need to get up to 160bpm (so Im a little breathy) and I am 42 yrs old and overweight. I am sure she wouldn't advise that if it was dangerous. You are young and quite fit so go for it!