View Full Version : Exercise- It's the way forward!

15-03-10, 16:45
Greetings fellow HA'ers. I have decided that now is a good time to get some fresh air and do some exercise. It helps me take my mide off things and makes me feel better after. If you're fit and well I suggest you do the same :).

Have a great day, and remember to stop wasting time looking up symptoms of Google!!! It will only freak you out and it's usually crap.

15-03-10, 16:48
If this was facebook I would like this ;)

15-03-10, 17:01
You are so right Nedtapo! Running is the best for my HA. Wack on the Ipod and go - best therapy for me really. Love food and red wine too and don't want to diet so running is the key! I notice that my anxiety really increases if I haven't exervised for a while. :yahoo:

15-03-10, 17:07
I agree. Even going for a long walk makes you feel so good afterwards. It definitely de-stresses you and makes you feel that you can cope.
Myra x

15-03-10, 19:31
If this was facebook I would like this ;)
Keep positive my Irish friend. Not many things diffuse anxiety which don't need a presciption to top up. Exercise is one of them. Maybe a bit of gaa?

15-03-10, 22:04
I have started exercising again recently and am finding it's making me feel worse afterwards; headache, dizzy and light headed; feeling like I am going to collapse all of which makes me anxious. I have posted on this recently - given what you guys are saying, my situation makes me worry what I'm feeling isn't normal. Anyone had anything similar?

16-03-10, 00:42
Deffo agree that excersise makes you feel better, when I go running I think its the only time in the day that I don't think about anything :)

I have started exercising again recently and am finding it's making me feel worse afterwards; headache, dizzy and light headed; feeling like I am going to collapse all of which makes me anxious. I have posted on this recently - given what you guys are saying, my situation makes me worry what I'm feeling isn't normal. Anyone had anything similar?

Hey Screddie, I too have also recentley started excersise (mainly running) again for the first time in months. After the first few runs I felt horrible after (bad head, nausea etc) I just put it down to not being properly hydrated and out of shape, see how you feel after a week more of excersise. Also, remember to drink decent amounts of water before and after :)

16-03-10, 13:58
Thanks very much for this AceFrehley.

16-03-10, 15:55
Here's a strange one.

For the past few days I've felt mildly short of breath.

This morning I went out for a game of tennis.

During the game I had NO symptoms of breathlessness.

I come home, sit at the computer for an hour or so and HEY PRESTO, the shortness of breath is back.

It is making me want to go and do some exercise again.

Can someone shed some light on what my problem is?????

16-03-10, 16:45
Maybe when you are occupied you think less about your breathing. Now, reading your post thought Hmmm, I am only able to take short breaths, whereas before I was unaware of that.

Exercise forces us to breath properly and most of us with anx have lost the knack of doing that I think

16-03-10, 17:39
I to have started to exercise everyday, I go to the gym every morning, and it has diffently made a difference. I have been doing it now for about 5 weeks, and it gets easier every day. I am up to an hour on the tredmill. Then I do the machines.
Skippy, is it possible you are concentrateing on your breathing, I know from experience that the more I concentrate on my breathing, the worse it gets. Just a thought.


17-03-10, 16:41
i joined the gym about 5 weeks ago - i have been going twice a week. but i hate the muscle ache a few days letter - it just makes me anxious!

17-03-10, 16:57
I can't do much exercise as it sets off my IBS. Can't anything that focuses on my stomach area. Am exercising my thighs daily though as want them toning and have dropped a dress size with cutting out nearly all rubbish and not snacking :)