View Full Version : All panic'd out....

15-03-10, 16:57
Hi All,

I would like to start by saying hello. I'm a guy that suffers from panic attacks that had my 1st one in ages... This time going to try and get to the bottom of it...
This is the 1st time I have decided to ask for help and try and explain my problem in total. Be great to hear back from someone.....

Basically I think I need help with a panic disorder . 9 years ago while in College I took some ecstasy that was laced with LSD… I had the worst night of my life… 8 hours in my own room in the dark in total and utter fear…
The next morning though I was ok. Some days later I experienced the same fear again though out of the blue… For some reason I tried to battle this fear without telling anybody. I did not do well but managed it and things gradually got better.
Over these last 9 years I have had numerous visits to doctors regarding Depression & Anxiety but mainly Anxiety . Over the last year I have had some good success dealing with my Anxiety by taking Xanax prescribed by the doctor.

During the 9 years I have had an irrational fear of “tripping” or of LSD…. I think this is the cause or root of my panic disorder. I think irrational or illogical things like maybe there was LSD in the meal I have just eaten or LSD might have somehow been in my drink. This can give me a panic attack where I start to feel the very intense fear I relate to tripping. This seems to happen randomly to me but maybe there is a pattern, I dunno. This has recently happened again even though the last few months of my life have been the best in a long long time. I now feel very bad, desperate. These panic attacks seem to wound my body and mind deeply each time they happen. After the latest one 2 weeks ago, I now feel like adrenalin is constantly pumping through my body. It leaves me in a constant state of panic and very jumpy etc… At night it is the worst trying to get to sleep. It feels like I am going crazy. My thoughts do not feel my own… It’s like some one has shaken my memories & thoughts in my brain like the snow in a slow globe and they are just randomly flashing in front of me. I honestly feel like I am having a nervous break down.

I went to the doctor yesterday but did not manage to say any of this to him.
I just managed to get one months supply of Xanax which is taking the edge off but I have taken 5 in the last day and a half where before I had not taken more than 1 in a day. Not sure where this is going to end…


15-03-10, 17:01
Hi W00dsie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-03-10, 17:06
thx Nicola

15-03-10, 17:16
Hello WOOdsie,

That sounds horrible, the experience you had with the ecstasy. So bad infact that this has obviously made you feel very anxious. The obsessive thoughts are all part of this. Anxiety can make your thoughts race and make you have repeated irrational thoughts. It's common for anxiety sufferers so please don't think you are going mad. The more we are afraid of the thoughts then the more they happen, because they depend on our dislike of them to keep happening. I bet you feel as though they torment you. Always remember that they are only thoughts and that they are not real. They will calm down when you do. It's a pity you couldn't have told your doctor about the thoughts because some antidepressants can be of great help with this. Just until you get less anxious again. Sometimes we just need a wee crutch to help us along. Why don't you see your doctor again and tell him EXACTLY how you are feeling. There's no need to suffer like this and there's no shame either. You can get back to your old self again so please don't despair. There are lots of people on this site who have felt like you. You'll get lots of support and reassurance here.
Myra :hugs:

15-03-10, 17:36
tnx for the relpy Myra and the words of wisdom... appreciated..
Yea, I'm going see my GP again friday.... Tell him I wasn't totally honest and explain the situ.... Think I'll write it down and bring it on paper in too.....
Thx again...

Vanilla Sky
15-03-10, 19:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

15-03-10, 19:38
Welcome here W00dsie.

Well done for planning to go back to the Drs and be more frank. Why not print off your post at the top of this thread. It sounds very frank and honest and complete.


Veronica H
16-03-10, 13:23
:welcome:Woodsie. Glad that you have found us.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;



16-03-10, 15:54
Thx for the messages guys ... Much appreciated ....

Good call Kevin... Thats what I'm going to do....

Hope ye're all keeping well.....

19-03-10, 16:32
Hey Amieekid,

Tnx for your mail..... It's was definitly helpful.....
Sry to hear you had that same kind of experince thou .it's sucks......, that must of been really really hard to handle...feeling like that in another country..... Glad you seem to be on the road to recovery.. fair deuce.....
I went to the doc this morning.... He referred me to a mental health place in town... Said they'll give me a buzz ... Put me on Lexapro too....
I took one before work.... Whoa, started feeling really paranoid by lunch time... Big black eyes on me.... I think these things make you worse before better... I got a xanax into me and not too bad now.....
Thx again your message...
helps alot...
hope to hear from you again...