View Full Version : These feelings are really getting the better of me...please help!

15-03-10, 20:16
Hi everyone,

As I explained in my previous post, I have had a bit of a relapse. Thanks so much for the advice already given, I much appreciate it. I need a little more though.

It's not just anxiety anymore. It's this depressed and hopeless feeling that, I think, is the cause of my anxiety. And I find it so, so hard to deal with it and/or see some light among darkness.

I've lost all motivation, all my goals, all my ambitions...and they've slowly been going for the last 6 months. I'm dreading every day because I don't know what to do with myself. And it's not that there isn't anything to do, but there is nothing that would make me happy doing it. About 6-7 months ago I came by a large sum of money which has made me more unhappy than anything ever has. I've lost the drive that always kept me going...the drive to, one day, have a successful career and be financially prosper. My ideals & philosophies have slowly gone out the window - I question everything about myself.

I went to the doc today to arrange some sessions with my psychotherapist again but that will take 3 weeks + to happen, hopefully less!

What can I do in the meantime? I feel so helpless. :ohmy: I feel like I can't implement anything that I have learned during CBT and previous therapy here because the cause of my anxiety is the fact that I feel so down and depressed. That's why it is so difficult for me right now. I've searched for depression on the forum - much of what I see is about drugs & SSRIs which is a route I'd really rather not go down.

Maybe this "depression" really set in after giving up smoking 6 months ago; I don't know but I hear that depression is a risk when stopping to smoke! (I smoked for nearly 10 years and cut down to zero in a day without relapse since - but the only reason why I haven't relapsed, I reckon, is because my girlfriend would kick my ass...lol).

Please help. :weep:

15-03-10, 22:39
Stick with the no smoking - I doubt if that is the sum of the way you feel but of course it does make a difference. You do have to grieve over your lost friends!!! did your doc not prescribe any medicatiion to help with the depression?:hugs: