View Full Version : How long did it take YOU?

15-03-10, 21:41
So I was wondering how long I'm going to have to battle this monkey called GAD. The physical and mental symptoms just won't go away and its been 2 months now. Its really starting to make me frusturated and I feel like I'm going to feel this way for months to come.
I wanted to ask how long it will take to get over my GAD symptoms and just start LIVING again! Every time I ask someone how long it will take they say "I don't know it depends" and I never get the right answer. I would like to get an estimate for the average recovery rate and my question to you all is...

For whoever had GAD in the past, how long did it take you to recover completely from it? (I'm talking about no more panic and anxiety)

Post your answers below and hopefully I can get an estimate on how long its going to take me.

15-03-10, 22:31
I am very curious as to how old you are and what set the GAD off???? I had it 27 years ago - not that it was called GAD then - it took 4 months to get right again. Then after stress at work it jumped back up and bit me 3 years ago - took 2 months to be ok again - but did pack my job in!!! a stressful period at work made it jump up and get me again 4 months ago - but seem to be improving again. It seems a weird illness - that is prob why no one will commit to a length of time. hope this helps - don't try to date it just try to be well.:):blush:

16-03-10, 03:52
I had it for a year and when I had the tools and determination to start being proactive about healing, I was well again in less than a month. That was four years ago. Things are surfacing again and I'm successfully combatting it again. Guess I just needed a refresher course. LOL Everyone is different.

16-03-10, 10:47

Dont think you can put a time on it, we are all different. It is better to focus on becoming well again rather than thinking about how long you will be like it for. It is about finding ways to deal with it and then you will find it will go.

I suffer periods of it and it can vary from a few days to a few weeks, something stressfull usually triggers it off.

I find that if I stay on a low dose of medication it keeps it at bay so I am able to live a relatively normal life.

Hope this helps.


16-03-10, 13:36
Hey Chili,

There is no right or wrong answer.

It depends on alot of things and I'm sorry I can tell you anymore than that because you must be feeling like you want to be reassured that it will go away.

You have to figure out what is causing your anxiety. This is VERY important, because without that knowledge you will never be able to figure out how to deal with those things.

Keep a diary. Note down the times you are having physical symptoms, panic attacks, anxiety, etc. Note what you were doing at the time, note what you were thinking at the time. This works very well for panic attacks. Also, consider what happened the same day. Did something stressful happen? Did something upset you? And so on. Keep it for a month or so and then look back on it and maybe make some conclusions as to the root causes of your anxieties.

Another thing which could be helpful is to seek help. Seek some therapy from your doctor, who could then maybe get you on a list for counselling or CBT, etc. These can help change your mindset - a positive mindset is important. And it can also help you talk about things which you may feel you can't get out any other way. Also, you can learn a variety of coping strategies from these therapies, which may be essential in dealing with panic and anxiety.

I hope this can help to an extent.

Chrissy x

16-03-10, 22:18
took me 4 months and it took my brother the same.

I recommend this book massively http://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Acceptance-Workbook-Anxiety-Commitment/dp/1572244992