View Full Version : I feel like a hopeless cause

11-01-06, 13:10
Hi all,
I have had a bad couple of weeks with my throat on and off and as I'm now starting therapy I wanted to get the all clear from the doctor. Yesterday I went for a quick check on my throat. I got there early and got bored in the waiting room and ended up doing the worst thing possible.. I picked up a womens health magazine thingie. [V]
there was a section about ..ahem..intimate female body parts and health of so I quickly read it and noticed that I potentially have one of the symptoms of an rare form of cancer, then I got called in, throat examined no problems and I go home.
since yesterday I have been googling, worrying and am now convinced I have the beginnings of this cancer. I dont want to rush back straight away to the doctors and announce I have cancer to him but equally I dont want to worry about it either :(
What hope have I got when I go to the doctors for one innocent cancer worry and come away immediately thinking I have a different problem :(
I'm feeling pretty hopeless and depressed with myself plus I'm also feeling worried about something I previously had never even thought about.

as usual sorry for rambling...I'm just pretty fed up with myself
lucy x

11-01-06, 14:02
Sod that, if its gonna play on your mind then nip it in the bud now and go back.

Never pick up womens magazines, I have every possible condition they mention and some they don't and don't even get me started on the stories in them that start, 'I married my nephews uncles grandad and he turned out to be my mother' kinda ones!!!

Big hug

Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-01-06, 19:39

If it would help reassure you then tell us what the scare was about and we will try to reassure you.

Unfortunately we can all read a medical article and suddenly believe that we have all those symptoms as well and it is highly unlikely.


11-01-06, 19:52
you are not a hopeless cause, and like piglet said if it is going to worry you that much speak to someone about it but im sure a lot of us girls on here also have one of the symptoms thats the trouble with any medical problem they have a whole host of symptoms which are similiar /the same, but one symptom does not make a disease, like Nicola also said if it will make you feel better then tell us what the symptom is and im sure you will find plenty of girls on here who can reassure you, and they wont all have this "RARE" form of cancer. Im like piglet i just dont read these things, stick to gardeners world or golfers monthly lol

I just want my life back

11-01-06, 20:37
Hi Lucy, so sorry you picked up that magazine, like Nic said maybe telling us would help. Hope you feeling a bit better soon, xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

11-01-06, 21:49
*I potentially have one of the symptoms of an rare form of cancer*

Lucy, read back what you wrote.. Potentially , one symptom, rare.

When you went in there , it was not a concern. You have made it a concern by all your pseudo research which as we know Googling Always results in fear as we keep going from site to site till we do find one that scares us enough.
Its the power of suggestion again

Avoidance or sensible? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5513)
media (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5609)
illogical fear driving me mad! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6027)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)
Its happening again ! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6094)
Feeling lonely (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6820)
Mind fixed on something ughhh (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7024)

Bad Night.......To much time to think....! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6410)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-01-06, 11:26
ok here goes..ahem..sorry if its a little graphic...
I shave down there regularly so I notice any change straight away.. last week I discovered a spot on the edge of my labia and I thought thats a bit weird but didnt think too much of it but a week later its still there and when I read about it being a sign of vulvar cancer I immediately worried. I have no other symptoms whatsoever, except that if I keep poking it I irritate it. It just looks like a spot and it look very out of place.
I know as certain as I possibly can be that its not an STD so I'm not worried about that. I just keep wishing it would go.
I really dont want to go to the doctors unless really desperate on this one.
My bloke says its a spot and I have just irritated it probably an irritated hair follicle or pore and I should forget about it for a week and then go but I find it hard to forget about anything like that esp when its on my bits :D It just looks so sinister to me

oh well... thanks for your replies

lucy x

12-01-06, 12:18
your bloke is right IT IS JUST A SPOT, it will be an irritated folicle,i get spots there sometimes most of us do just from little hairs being pulled,i once had to have a boil lanced (eye watering i can tell you) so stop worrying about it and concentrate on your therapy and on getting well. take care

I just want my life back

12-01-06, 13:11
You are not hopeless, we all are in the same boat. I know anytime I have googled a symtom it has NEVER helped me. It is best to talk to your doctor. I also have Cancer worries, but I have to keep telling myself that my fear are irrational, and I am going to get through this. My dad always told me "Nothing is every as bad as you imagine it to be" and this usually holds true. Think of all the time you thought you had a horrible disease, and all the time it didn't come true. Try to cling to that. And know that we are all here for you, we know how you feel and you will get through this.

13-01-06, 23:19
hi lucy the girls are right dont read the books. i am a worrier too but tonight having found these sites i feel hopeful that one day i might be free to laugh and not take things so seriously. when i tell people about my fear of having a heart attack they think i am not wise but it is a debilitating fear that is as crippling as a broken leg. more so. i hope we are all one day free from our fears