View Full Version : Fear of Death

15-03-10, 23:25
Does anyone with Health Anxiety have a massive fear of death and do you think it is caused by the health anxiety

rachel marie
15-03-10, 23:28
yes i do i think about it all the time its driveing me crazy

15-03-10, 23:31
*I'm worried my body will shut down.
*Pass out.
*Worried about swine flu again.

15-03-10, 23:53
i am terrified of death. i dont know if its the actual event or who and what im leaving behind. sometimes i sit there and think there is no point of being scared of something thats inevatable. but it doesnt really change anything. i guess im not so much scared of death im scared of dying young. but i do believe my health anxiety causes this. i have suffered from it for almost a year now and before when i was 'normal' i never really gave it much thought. the occasional curiosity but never being afraid of it. i hope its something i can deal with and then pass because i dont want to waste my life being scared of something that i cant change.

16-03-10, 01:23
I didn't have really any health anxiety until I got sick after my sister died. Now I can't bear to even think of anything related to death.

16-03-10, 05:32
I never used to be scared of death till after I had my son, now I worry all the time of leaving him, it hard to switch off you mind, but yeah I think it's part of getting older and Health Anxiety I think that is big part of it.

16-03-10, 13:23
For me I think the fear of death is a large part of my HA, besides if I did not fear death would I fear being ill, for me the answer is NO.


16-03-10, 14:12
This is definitely my problem - I'm afraid of dying and leaving the people I love. My imagination goes on tangents, picturing my sons trying to deal with life without their mother. It's maddening.

16-03-10, 16:55
I am not afraid of dying, just how it will happen.

I guess every human being is scared to end, scared to leave it all behind. Most people are well defended and just have it lay right at the back of their minds....for people with any anxiety or depression, it seems to sit at the front of the mind.

Some philosophers might add that everything people do, is in some way connected to mortality. The job, the house, the kids, money, cars, love.... Some might say that everything we do is to avoid thinking about the end.

For people who are concentrating on the body and illness, its hard to think about much else when really anxious. Its all about staying alive and not dying some horrible death. It's about feeling out of control I think and feeling that illness is something we cant control.