View Full Version : Brain Tumour Fear

16-03-10, 03:46
Hey, I have had a massive fear of getting a brain tumour for about four years so ever since the health anx started really. its completely ruining my life, its all i think about. my grans neighbour has one and doesn't have long to live so i'm just constantly thinking about how that could be me.

The main thing i am getting at the moment is a kind pressure in forehead, its not really a headache. i dont really know how to describe it but its quite odd. is this a symptom of a brain tumour?

Can anyone relate to this?

any advice?

Love Louise

16-03-10, 05:52
Hey there,
I can totally understand where you are coming from. My HA started only in Nov and this was one of my biggest fears. After 7 weeks of consistant head aches and pressure etc I was convinced that it was a BT.

To be honest, I always knew in the back of my mind that it wasn't that it was a result of my poor neck and my anx.

What you are describing sounds classic anxiety. With you being so stressed out about this and thinking about sounds like this is a tension type headache. Which is typically a pressure feeling and feels like band that is primarly present around the forehead area.

If this has been a massive fear with you I suggest you go to your doc and explain and ask for a scan. This will show you that there is nothing wrong and put your mind at easy.

Biggest word of advice, and will be hard to do I know is you need to relax and stop thinking about it and it will go away :) Go grab a really nice massage :)