View Full Version : panic attacks and CBT

16-03-10, 08:32
Hi there....I've been on and off medication (escitalopram 20mg currently on) for anxiety and panic attacks for 9 years. This past spurt of anxiety and panic has really thrown me. I was doing really well for the last 4 weeks or so, then for the last week I felt a bit 'off'. I woke up this morning in a state of panic and have been having back to back panic attacks this morning! I can't really understand why, and as you probably can understand, I am starting to feel like 'the medication isn't working' or 'it's different this time'. If anyone else has had a similar experience of having a panic attack while doing well on medication, and they can give me words of advice, I would appreciate it! Oh....and the CBT - does it help? I just started yesterday.

16-03-10, 08:57
hi jilly im just wondering how long have you been on the escitalopram? i had a day like that yesterday but by lunch time it had wore off i am also on ecitalopram how do u feel they are for you? xx

16-03-10, 19:43
Thanks for your reply! I'm glad to hear you are doing well now. I'm feeling okay but still a bit off. I started on 10mg December 19 (2009) and increased this to 20mg on January 1st this year when it was clear there had been very little improvement. Maybe I still need more? I took Wellbutrin (buproprion) a few years ago along with escitalopram and it worked wonders. Unfortunately the Dr's here won't prescribe it to me! I'm originally from Canada.

17-03-10, 07:42
oh its early days for me i am only on day 7 an am on just 5mg for first month then ive to go up to 10 see how i go its all trial n error if u ever wanna chat pm me x

17-03-10, 10:37
Hi Jilly

My late wife Kazzie had a course of CBT and it helped her very much, I noticed the difference after only a couple of sessions.

So stick at it believe me from experience it does work.


18-03-10, 13:10
My husband has started with panic attacks.he is on medication but still has them but not as bad....he was thinking of doing the course CBT? does it help?

Thank you

18-03-10, 13:22
He would find it beneficial im sure but there is a long waittng list usually .I used to get very bad panic attacks and never had CBT .. I would strongly reccomend Dr Claire Weekes books ..It really helped me overcome mine .You can buy them from the NMP SHOP .....Sue