View Full Version : Lump in groin causing such worry...

16-03-10, 09:14
My HA has been pretty good over that past few weeks and all of a sudden I am riddled with worry again! I first noticed a lump in my groin in August and rushed to the doc who said it was a normal lymph gland and that I had them on the other side but they weren't as big. Since I have seen 3 other docs about this worry and they all say normal!
The thing is my groin does ache. I do a lot of running so it could be that but I'm convinced its the lumps and am terrified of them. I feel they are getting bigger so went to have them checked last week - again, doc said normal and that they are swollen on that side and will never go down. Does anyone else have lumpy groin???? I am so scared and just want lumps removed:weep:

16-03-10, 09:54
Hi Busybeing mum,

I do!! normally on my right side. Had this for years and years, same thing, lymph nodes and normal. I think I decided it was hormones in the end!!
You have had them checked, and the doctors say its fine. It might be just down to thats the normal size of your lymph gland. Try not to worry....easily said! xx

17-03-10, 10:45
Has anyone else got a lumpy groin?????:blush: