View Full Version : Burning tongue

16-03-10, 13:54
Hi everyone

Can anyone tell me if they ever feel like half of their tongue is burning?

and also if they do, if it feels like their teeth on the inside down the same side feel weird and tingly as well?



16-03-10, 14:07
Hi Mworrier

thanks for your reply luv. Did you get a bitter metally taste when you had the burning tongue thing?
Im not doing too bad, just the tongue thing today. How are you doing? Ive not read any posts for a while



16-03-10, 14:07
Alright Lisa

The left hand side of my gums at the moment are in serious pain. Very hot and I'm sure there's a white patch there and for once, I'll be rational and say this is likely to be because I was touching this area for ages on Sunday night and it's got really bad yesterday and now today. I'm an idiot. Just can't ever stop examining my mouth.

16-03-10, 14:16
Alright Lisa

The left hand side of my gums at the moment are in serious pain. Very hot and I'm sure there's a white patch there and for once, I'll be rational and say this is likely to be because I was touching this area for ages on Sunday night and it's got really bad yesterday and now today. I'm an idiot. Just can't ever stop examining my mouth.
Hi starscream

Is your tongue bothered by it atall?

its driving me mad . Its like the other side is totally normal but the left side is tingly, burny and almost numb becuase it feels like when you have been numbed by the dentist, along that side of my tongue, and the teeth right along that side to almost the middle at the front, i remember that my dentist numbed my mouth once and it felt just like this

aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now am worried that my salivary gland in my cheek is swelling and pressing on my nerves and making this happen......someone help me not to google......

5 negative tests...5 negative tests...5 negative tests.....5 negative tests!!!

16-03-10, 14:21
Arggh- Lisa, Lisa, do NOT Google!
Funny you should post this as I have similar feeling at the moment and all my front upper teeth seem sout of sorts and tingly (like I've eaten far too many sweets or something. Also my tongue feels big, swollen and tingly.....Think it is anxiety for both of us. Remeber - DO NOT GOOGLE! xxx

16-03-10, 14:35
My tongue generally is ok just now but the left hand side is constantly giving me grief cos it's either grating against my teeth or something. Seems to be damage to it all the time.

I had my right tooth filed last week and I don't have any pain there anymore when it was constant before.

I may get the teeth filed next week and see if that puts an end to the sides of my tongue being sore and numb and that.

16-03-10, 16:55

Check out this post and take a look at the link i have put up.

Its called Burning Mouth Syndrome, get your dentist to check you out and it will put your mind at ease.


di xx