View Full Version : Had another migraine!!! Sparked Brain Disease Worry...

16-03-10, 15:00
This is my second episode in Five days...I have no idea wht has caused this sudden reoccurance of my migraines after over a year of being migraine free.

Im especially worried because Ive had this brain fog/mental confusion for a number of weeks now and i think the two are connected. The fog is rly scaring me cos I cant think properly..Words get all mixed up and dont come out right...I loose my train of thought so easily and cant focus or concentrate very well at all.

And now these two mograine episodes...This one is starting to fade after 5 hrs...

I had an brain MRI in December...SURELY nothing major could have changed?!...A growth or lesions dont just appear do they?!

I know i sound like a broken record lately but im really worried..I have a docs appntmnt next week tht was originally supposed to be abt my relfux issuses...now it will involve this also...

16-03-10, 15:32
nah..havent eaten any trigger foods. been stressed cos i havent been well for a few mopnths now and im in the process of trying to find out whts wrong with me.

16-03-10, 16:48
Hi Never Relaxed, I know what you are saying as I have been getting migraines and daily head pains after many many months without them. Try not to panic, migraines can cause all of the symptoms you describe, I get brain fog, numb areas, twitching, it can be difficult to know where the HA starts and the migraine comes in.

I do have a small legion on my brain stem and very worried that this is causing my symptoms, I am dreading having another MRI as if it is the problem there will be nothing they can do due to the location.

I had MRIs a few years back but nothing was picked up, and even a brain CT brain scan after it had shown up did not show it! I suspect a lot depends on who did and read the scans.

Migraines can just change pattern without reason.


Cell block H fan
16-03-10, 18:56
Ive got one at the moment. I can go months without, but out the blue I can get 2 or 3 in one week. Ive taken some Nurofen express, but its having none of it. I never just get a headache. Mine always end up making me feel sick & I have to go to sleep in a dark room, & 99% of the time the next morning its gone.
Hope you feel better soon.

17-03-10, 16:39
how long do you get migraines for? my last for up to four days. having a lot of after effects at the moment. pressure at the back of my head and dizzyiness.