View Full Version : Waiting for MRI results......:(

16-03-10, 15:30
Hi all, does anyone know how long it takes to get results back? Ive been having trouble brething since ive had it done although i know its anxiety. I have not had breathing anxiety since i had my post natel depression about 5yrs ago, although it was one of the first froms of anxiety i got when i was 14. Although im not overly thinking about my results i must be sub conscioiusly very anxious about them which is why im feeling like i cant breathe!!!! I am worried not only about ms but now im worried about a brain tumour as i sometimes smell things that aint there ie bleach adn i watched a programe last night and this woman had an mri done coz she kept smelling burning rubber and she has a brain tumor. Its only a sitcom come but its really played on my mind. Ive rang to get results but they are not back yet and she says they wont be for another 2 weeks!!!!

Sorry i know its a long post but i just need to get things of my chest. MY memory seems a bit dodgy lately aswell as i cant seem to remeber things properly, i feel detached sort of!

Well thanks for listerning guys, any advice would be great.

Luv me. xx

16-03-10, 15:36
took a week for me to get mine!

hope all turns out normal/clear xx

16-03-10, 16:17
Thankyou. xx

16-03-10, 16:34
With how stressed and anxious you must feel while waiting for these results not to mention the build up to the actual procedure, its no wonder that your memory is off. Just try and take some time for yourself to relax ( I know easier said than done).

I have had the breathing thing myself and know how horrid it is even when we know its anxiety I found that sitting up in bed leaning forward onto a pillow often helped me to get more comfortable.

Good luck with your results and a big hug to you for being so brave :hugs:

16-03-10, 16:38
Aww, thanks wrry bunny. My son as also been so ill the last 2 weeks. He has had a lung infection, tonsilitis and a kidney infection all at the same time. Was up the hospital foir 3 days and now drs think he might have a kidney problem. :( So having a very stressful few weeks and cant not wait for these results. xx