View Full Version : new here need help!!

16-03-10, 15:36
hi i am new here, well ive been a member for a while but never posted anything, usually reading posts makes me feel better but today i could really do with some advice.

First a brief history of my problems! I have had health anxiety for the past 6 years, a year after it started i started on citalipram following a diagnosis from my dentist!! (the imprints on my tongue where not caused by some terrible disease but by me clenching my jaw so tight my teeth left marks, hence 'are you stressed?' lol wish my gp had been so clued up!!)

When i met my husband the distraction had positive effect on my anxiety, he was thankfully understanding and reasurring and i gradually weaned off the citalipram and not needed it since :yesyes:

However my problem recently has been concentrated on my heart, the rational side of me knows it is fine (i think :wacko:) but my anxiety ridden irrational side is convinced there is something wrong.

I have suffered from ectopic heartbeats, diagnosed here thank you and checked by gp! i manage to live with this but my concern is that i have an irregular heart rate. the problem started at work, we have a little device that takes your pulse and measures your oxygen levels. When ever i put it on my finger my pulse goes up and down ranging from 75-100 and never stays still like it does when anyone else does it. When i check my pulse though it doesnt seem irregular but im not sure.

Added to this my friend has a bp machine and when i take my bp a little heart symbol comes up that shows when it is taking your pulse. Today i took it and the heart symbol seemed irregular especially so at the start when the cuff round my arm was tight.

Im absolutly convinced there is a problem and when im tired and therefore a lot more anxious it plays on my mind so much.

Sorry for the long post, i hope theres someone out here who can help??? thank you

16-03-10, 15:38
Hi mary3

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
16-03-10, 15:50
:welcome:to NMP Mary.


16-03-10, 15:57
I think all of that to mary about my heart and I feel my pulse ofter to and it seems to beat different sometimes??? I am 32 years old and have suffered from anxciety and panic attacks since 10,Also have a bit of ocd,I also think The way i have been over the years ( anxcious etc) Has made my heart weak? hope to hear from you soon.

Vanilla Sky
16-03-10, 20:37
Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

17-03-10, 11:55
omg whats with the cheaking ur pulse im doing it alot why thou ? :( i have anxeity and o.c.d ! and its a nightmare sometimes ! xxxx

17-03-10, 15:23
i know as much as i try and stop myself some days i do it loads, funny that before i started checking my pulse i had no idea how fast/slow etc it was going and never worried about it! ignorance is bliss!!

17-03-10, 16:23
Hi Mary,

Why dont you ask your GP to send you for an ECG? Would that put your mind at rest?? Or would it make you worse. I was suffering with what I thought was an irregular heart beat before Christmas, went to see my GP (but my GP was off and ended up seeing another one who does not know my history really of depression/anxiety) he took my pulse and of course it was o.k. He sent me away telling me to check it myself or get hubby to do it if I thought it was irregular again. I kind of felt a fluttery feeling in my chest when it was happening. Well it started up on Christmas Day, hubby took it and did say it was a bit irregular (he is a qualified 1st aider), so we looked it up on the internet big mistake!!! He ended up taking me up A&E cos I was so worried something was going to happen to me. They checked it out and did lots of tests...they did say it was a little irregular but said it was down to anxiety. That just eased my mind and to be honest I haven't really had it since much. I have changed meds since Christmas so wether that was anything to do with why it has stopped I wont know.

Sorry my story was a bit long but I hope it has helped you...I totally understand how you are feeling. Mine is now often a little fast...and since being "made aware" rather than being ignorant am always checking it. GP gave me propananol to slow it down and it does help me. Take care hun. Jo.

17-03-10, 16:51
what meds you on hunni ? x

17-03-10, 17:46
Well, all I will say is I sympathise with you as I check my 'fast' pulse constantly. You have had some good comments from everyone but Mouse you should not be using this forum to sell goods and quite frankly you have really annoyed me. I hope everyone avoids you and your sales like the plague!

NMP - I hope you delete this person. They are taking advantage and it's disgusting.

18-03-10, 08:55
Thanx for the messages. JT69, thanks for your post, im interested to learn that anxiety can cause an irregular heart rate, i kind of new it could make it beat faster but didnt know it could make it irregular. Im pretty sure that is what my problem is but i have decided to make a dr appointment anyway. Problem is i have got an appointment with a dr i dont know so this could make me feel better or worse. Confided in my husband about how rubbish ive been feeling so that has made me feel a bit better too. Also he pointed out that my anxiety has increased since i stopped taking the contraceptive pill and i remember that last time i stopped taking it i instantly felt anxious for no reason. Dont really want to google wether this is a problem for other people so am just going to have to accept it and see what the dr says on monday!