View Full Version : new here need heart advice!

16-03-10, 16:37
hi i am new here, well ive been a member for a while but never posted anything, usually reading posts makes me feel better but today i could really do with some advice.

First a brief history of my problems! I have had health anxiety for the past 6 years, a year after it started i started on citalipram following a diagnosis from my dentist!! (the imprints on my tongue where not caused by some terrible disease but by me clenching my jaw so tight my teeth left marks, hence 'are you stressed?' lol wish my gp had been so clued up!!)

When i met my husband the distraction had positive effect on my anxiety, he was thankfully understanding and reasurring and i gradually weaned off the citalipram and not needed it since :yesyes:

However my problem recently has been concentrated on my heart, the rational side of me knows it is fine (i think :wacko:) but my anxiety ridden irrational side is convinced there is something wrong.

I have suffered from ectopic heartbeats, diagnosed here thank you and checked by gp! i manage to live with this but my concern is that i have an irregular heart rate. the problem started at work, we have a little device that takes your pulse and measures your oxygen levels. When ever i put it on my finger my pulse goes up and down ranging from 75-100 and never stays still like it does when anyone else does it. When i check my pulse though it doesnt seem irregular but im not sure.

Added to this my friend has a bp machine and when i take my bp a little heart symbol comes up that shows when it is taking your pulse. Today i took it and the heart symbol seemed irregular especially so at the start when the cuff round my arm was tight.

Im absolutly convinced there is a problem and when im tired and therefore a lot more anxious it plays on my mind so much.

Sorry for the long post, i hope theres someone out here who can help??? thank you

16-03-10, 16:42
Do you still suffer from ectopics?

Apparently we can control our pulse by thoughts alone. Think of something scary...it races (or slows right down) - I read this somewhere. Anyway, it sounds like a touch of HA anxiety come back to pay you a small visit.

I would take a bet you are fine, but rather than worry, why not book to see a nurse at your GP surgery

16-03-10, 16:53
Thank you for your reply. Yes i still get ectopics now and again, they range from feeling like a flutter in my chest to a thud or even like my heart just flipped right round! i do not feel them daily but maybe i get then constantly but dont feel them but they show on the machines? I also have stopped drinking alcohol as one time at christmas i got a little drunk for the first time in 2 years and my pulse felt really irratic :ohmy:

Definatly got health anxiety still, it has never gone away i have just been able to manage it without citalipram, previous to the heart concerns i had brain tumour concerns and also suddenly dropping dead issues! Writing it down and reading it i just want to laugh at myself but in reality feeling this fear is horrible, i wouldnt wish it on anyone

16-03-10, 17:00
I know, I smiled at your "suddenly dropping dead" issues but I know, it is far from funny. On the other hand, a good laugh is a tonic sometimes and really does lift the spirits.

I Guess you have heard of Claire Weeks' books...if not do purchase a copy. I have felt so helped by her book: Essential Help for your Nerves.

I guess part of you knows your anxiety is effecting your pulse.

My own is all over the place..slow, fast...snails pace...I hate it...

16-03-10, 17:06
Hi Mary, I too suffer with HA esp around thinking there's something wrong with my heart. I used to go to my drs in a panic, saying my pulse was fast and it was (unsuprsingly) agree with typer, most of the time it's your brain doing it. After I came to that, I realised if my brain makes my pulse rate fast and b.p high it can also bring it down. So I try relaxation techniques and it helps me a lot. I'm sure this us all connected to your anxiety, the dr only has to get a b.p monitor out and it goes up. I hope you feel better soon. Xxx

16-03-10, 17:14
yeah i have just heard of her book this week, think i will order it tonight.

the heart is a funny thing, its like i dont worry about my liver failing or kidneys packing in because i cant feel them, if i couldnt feel my pulse i wouldnt worry about my heart, if you no what i mean!!

yeah mine is all over too, does yours slow down when you are really tired? i had not noticed this before till after i gave birth to my daughter, in the week after i would be checking my pulse (daft i know) and it would be really slow for me like 55 this scared me because mine has always been at the slowest 75. Maybe we shouldnt ponder on these things too much, that was 5 months ago and im still alive now. In fact 6 years of worrying i might die soon and 6 years later im still alive. Bloody anxiety!!!!

16-03-10, 17:16
thanks for your post ames6767, what kind of relaxation do you do? i try relaxation cds but find it really hard to relax and end up feeling more anxious!!!

16-03-10, 17:22
Late at night, my pulse can get a little too slow..I have to move around to get it going. Have you been to RLR's site. he is only looking in briefly right now as he does some charitiy work but, there is lots of info and he explains why so slow, so fats etc.


16-03-10, 19:32
I cant do the c.ds either, the only thing I get on with is breathing techniques or muscle relaxtion. doesnt always work but helps to slow my heart rate if I can manage to do it. hope you are feeling ok. I so know how you feel xx

16-03-10, 20:44
thank you ames its nice to know im not alone, feel free to message me anytime sometimes its nice to have a distraction!

Typer thanks for the link, just had a good read about the vagus nerve stuff, makes sense. Who is RLR? another useful site to make me feel better! Going to look for a copy of that book now:D

16-03-10, 20:48

Please don't measure your pulse or blood pressure. It will only make you fixate about it for no reason. You even mention yourself that distraction worked for you when you met your husband. It will work again, so distract your mind from this constant measuring.

At the height of my anxiety concerns my blood pressure was measured loads of times because of the fluttery and strange feelings I was getting in my chest. I decided though that as part of my distraction techniques that I would not ask what the readings were (even though I wanted to). If the doctor wasn't concerned then why should I be. It worked!

Don't know what my blood pressure is and I don't ask. I go to the doctor every once and while, get checked over and sent on my way.

Positive attitude is the name of the game and it will work for you.

17-03-10, 12:17
He is a retired neurologist