View Full Version : Update - Cervical Cancer fears and advice

16-03-10, 16:38
Hi all,
I posted on here a while ago and got some good advice so now I have an update I wanted to share it in the hopes that it will help someone.
A bit of background – for the last 4 months I have had persistent (pretty much daily) spotting and sometimes heavier bleeding. I’ve also been bleeding after sex.
I worked myself up in to a panic. I could think of nothing all day except that I’ve got all the signs of cervical cancer and I kept remembering Jade Goody who was only a couple of years older than me. I am getting married in May and for the last few months I have completely spoiled it for myself because I simply couldn’t think about it.
I finally plucked up the courage to go for a smear test less than 2 weeks ago. I have been a complete nervous wreck since – last Saturday I went for a fitting for my wedding dress and burst in to tears half way through because I was picturing myself wearing it in a coffin.
So today, after another sleepless night I couldn’t stand waiting for my results anymore and I went to see my doctor. I don’t know what I thought she was going to do (besides tell me to go home and wait like everyone else) but I was frantic.
However, once I explained how overwrought I was, she actually called the lab up and as it happens, they had already checked my smear and they told her the result over the phone.
I was clear. No Cervical Cancer. Not even precancerous cells. Nothing. The swabs they took to check me for infection were also clear. I am 100% healthy.
I was so relieved I burst in to tears and nearly kissed her.
It seems that my “symptoms” are nothing more than a common side effect of the Depo injection I am taking. The “bleeding after sex” my doc thinks is simply because I am spotting every day and the action simply helps it come out.
So the point of my post is to tell women who are terrified that they’ve got cervical cancer that sometimes there really are very simple reasons for getting these symptoms. Yes you should get yourself checked, but don’t work yourself up like I did. The media are quick to tell us horror stories but not so quick to tell us that yes, sometimes our bodies do these things and no, it doesn’t mean we are dying!

16-03-10, 16:42
What wonderful news and now you can get on with enjoying your wedding :hugs: