View Full Version : fed up of being fed up....need some advise please :-(

16-03-10, 18:34
hello all,

right sorry for all this but thought it be best to start from the beginning .....

i started with stomach trouble back in August time last year, when I say stomach trouble I mean symptoms like cramping, wind, change in bowel movements, bloating, belching. After a couple of months I decided to tell the doc as it had started interfering with social/sex life. they said it was IBS and prescribed mebervine to help my symptoms. Up to now they have helped me and I can't say I suffered with this everyday.
Anyhow, last week I had to rush home from work with what started off as diarrhea. That same night I started feeling hot & cold, shaky and just generally not well. The following day was the same and I could not go to work. I cannot count how many times I had been to the loo (by this point my bum had become sore and the faeces were light browny/yellow - sorry). I got to a point where I was so fed up with going to the loo and the stomach pains I took some anti-diarrhea tabs. This seemed to help for the next couple of days and I even went to the toilet and passed formed faeces.(I did take a couple of mebervine tabs within these couple of days also) By the weekend it had started again and I had started to notice brightish coloured blood in the toilet. This was instant panic so I rang the docs to get an appt. Saw the doc yesterday and she gave me top to toe examination along with a rectal examination which hurt so much! She said there were no lumps up there but there was a little blood on her finger afterwards....:weep:
her outlook on it all was that it could poss be gastroenteritus and bugs like this can last a couple of weeks! she asked me to do a stool sample and to drink plenty of water. I just didn't feel any comfort seeing the doc at all and spent most of the night on the web! overall today I have only been to the loo once but its still loose, the colour has changed to a darker brown and I cannot see any blood in it! I am so worried now that I am scared to go to the toilet in case there is blood! aargghh! can anyone relate to this or help?
Thanks a lot in advance :)

16-03-10, 18:45
th blood is caused by you going to the loo so much its pressure ,, and like nything else it will be raw i am sure when you cleaned after going your bottom felt sore i shouldnt worry ,also as your tum gets back to ormal your stool will change.keep drinking plenty water ,an light meals only

16-03-10, 21:22
Thankyou for your reply, its greatly appreciated right now xx