View Full Version : WHY????????????

16-03-10, 19:07
Hi all, why do i panic way over the top when something happens? Take just know for example my eye started to sting for no reason as if i got pepper in my eye or something and i started having a panic attack? Why does this happen. I mean loads of people must get it and they dont panic. I panic if i get an itch thats last to long of if i get a little pain of if some sensaton on my skin dont feel right. Im so fed up of this and as im writing m panicking about my eye stinging? Please help im so sick of this. xx

16-03-10, 19:13
i think we have some how programmed our brains to think the worse and some how need to reprogramme

16-03-10, 19:32
Hi Carli,

I know when I am anxious I kinda become hypersensitive to any sensation that happens in my body. Anything that feels unfamiliar I start to panic about. I think its just part and parcel of having anxiety. I know that as I am now house bound almost, I also have a lot more time to worry and overthink everything. Sometimes distraction helps me forget, maybe you could try doing something different to distract yourself?.

Is your eye red or inflamed? I once got some dust in my eye and scratched it and it really stung, but was fine the next day. Im sure your eye will be fine, but I know what you mean about the panic, why do we always panic when some people dont? I guess people who panic are just more sensitive than other people, doesn't mean theres anything wrong with us, its just a pain in the ass having to cope with it!! LOL!!! Are you on any meds at the moment or had any therapy?

16-03-10, 20:05
Hiya, my eye is not red or anything. Gawd knows,lol xx

16-03-10, 20:34
hiya carli

i'd love to give you the magic potion but i think i am the worst for doing it along with most people on here we are all guilty of it and we know it
i think we have to try and live with it until our brains have had enough!

sending you a hug,



anx mum
16-03-10, 21:21
hiya hun cos when we r prone to anxiety we panic more than anyone else. Did u get ur results bk from mri?

17-03-10, 22:45
Hiya, no i have not got results yet. They said i have to wait 2 weeks? Is yours back yet? xx