View Full Version : Strange goings on

16-03-10, 19:28

I've really got myself worked up over the last 4 days.

I've been suffering anx and panic for 5 years now, and i know ive probably felt like this before.


For some reason i feel really strange about it this time.

I've felt really weak for the last few days, not so weak that i cant walk, just that weak feeling like when im hungry i suppose.

I've had a really fuzzy head too, like im living in a dreamland.

and its really making me feel panicky, i am ok one minute, and then all over the place the next.
Ive been sleeping ok, ive been eating as normal, so i cant understand why im feeling so strange, like im outside my own body, or fighting against it.

Can anyone else relate to this feeling? its not like me to get into a tizzy about it these days, as i seem to have had some kind of control over things. But this last 4 days has really left me feeling flat.

Please try and put my mind at ease.

16-03-10, 19:31
i can relate iv been having the same over the last couple of weeks and cant remember it being this bad before. But i know it has really i just think we forget when we go through a good patch

16-03-10, 19:33
thanks den,

you might be right, its been a while since i felt this bad, but its probably not the first time ive felt it.

16-03-10, 19:37
All we can do is keep trying to remember it will get better and keep going untill it happens. We need to try and keep positive.