View Full Version : Sore Eyes

Mr Guntrip
16-03-10, 21:33
Hi all,

Today at work my eyes started to get really sore and it's been on and off all day. It was a bit like heyfever symptoms where you can't help but rub your eyes. I work with computers all day but this has never happened before. Has anyone else had this and could it be a sign of stress and anxiety or me just worrying for no reason?

Mr Guntrip

17-03-10, 07:30
I have no idea why the eyes gets sore but i have the same, they feel swollen, tired, watery and out of focus.

I feel this without being anxious too but i have been checked up and nothing wrong.

17-03-10, 07:48
Hey there

I get sore eyes, caused by eye strain, sometimes not enough sleep etc...... Have you got glasses?
I also work on computers all day, and then when I get home I go on the darn things. Perhaps try and give your eyes a break at intermittent periods.
