View Full Version : Restless leg sydrome

16-03-10, 21:35
Can anyone explain what this is and the symptoms???

16-03-10, 21:39
I have that, I would describe it as you just can't keep your leg still, be it one or both of them. I feel that I have to keep moving my leg, stretching it and just generally keep fidgeting it about! It is an absolute nuisance. This is the only way that I can describe it. Usually get it in the evenings but occasionally get it at work and I'm a secretary and use audio a lot so it is a blooming pain when it is in the leg that I use for my foot pedal...:-)

Hope this is what you are talking about, but that is what I have always called restless leg and have had it for ages.

All the best

Jannie x x

16-03-10, 21:56
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a fairly common condition that causes uncomfortable sensations in the legs.
The symptoms of RLS can vary from being mild to severe. In severe cases, the condition can be particularly distressing and cause disruption to daily activities.
As well as experiencing unpleasant sensations in the legs, a person with RLS will also have an overwhelming urge to move their legs in order to get some relief.
RLS was first officially described in 1945 by a Swedish neurologist called Karl-Axel Ekbom. As a result, RLS is sometimes known as Ekbom syndrome.

hope this helps


16-03-10, 21:57
My partner has suffered this for years as does his mother - don't know whether it's hereditary or not-but sometimes raising the legs on a pillow helps I know its not much but hope it makes you feel less anxious.


16-03-10, 22:29
This is a real nuisance, I have had it for years (although never formally diagnosed) and it drives me up the wall.

I get it worse at night when I go to bed, I just can't get comfortable and keep moving my legs and feet all over the place just to get some relief..my feet and ankles always feel like they're on fire.

My legs "jerk" as well, it's like an involuntary muscle spasm and nothings seems to make much difference although massaging the calf muscle before going to bed sometimes helps.

I have actaully noticed that this has got worse since starting Citalopram just over a week ago but think it will probably settle down as my sleep patterns get better.

I hope...:scared15:

17-03-10, 10:54
I've had it off and on for a long time as well - and definitely more so since I went back on Prozac.

17-03-10, 14:48
I get this occasionally. My ex-girlfriend also suffered with it. My Mum does. It would appear to be quite common. I haven't determined what triggers it as yet, but it is damned irritating because I can't settle.

Thanks for the information Jill. Something I should look into a little more I suspect.

18-03-10, 11:55
Could burning feet be the ony sign of RLS? I have been suffering with burning feet, legs, thighs, back side for a few weeks. I came accross this site and got me wondering?

19-03-10, 00:00
i too suffer with restless leg, again mostly at night, but sometimes I run them under the shower (nice and hot) and this helps them to settle or a nice warm hot water bottle in the bed can help. Give it a try and see how you get on, if possible,

Dolly x