View Full Version : New

16-03-10, 23:09
I'm new to this so please bear with me!
I had been on 20mg citalopram for about 7 years when the depression and panic attacks returned.
My doctor has put me on 30mg mirtazipine which I have been on for 22 days now. I had 1 night of not taking citalopram before swapping over.
I had side effects, suffering from dizziness when walking and numb hands, these have pretty much subsided now. However, I'm still having really down times where I feel guilty over nothing or just cry for no reason. I am much better than I was but not as good as maybe I'd hoped to be by now.
Just wondering if anyone could offer advice as to when I should start to feel 'normal' again? I know there is no miracle cure but I'm just curious to see how others felt on these tablets.
Thank you for any help

16-03-10, 23:10
Hi Astrogirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-03-10, 02:10
:welcome:Hi Astrogirl. Welcome to the forum.

I took Citalopram many years ago and it worked wonderfully. The next time I needed it. It did nothing at all. There are so many factors involved, it's like asking, 'how long is a piece of string'.

That you're better off now with the Mirtazipine is a good sign, that suggests to me a slight increase in the dose might be the next step your doctor prescribes. Or perhaps you might suggest it yourself.

There are forums here on NMP dedicated to specific drugs that I'm sure will help you find people in similar positions who can advise better than me.

There's also a thread on Stephen Fry's forum that might be helpful. Mirtazipine isues (again) (http://www.stephenfry.com/forum/topic/mirtazipine-isues-again)

Good luck Astrogirl - cool name.

17-03-10, 16:10
I'm new to this so please bear with me!
I had been on 20mg citalopram for about 7 years when the depression and panic attacks returned.
My doctor has put me on 30mg mirtazipine which I have been on for 22 days now. I had 1 night of not taking citalopram before swapping over.
I had side effects, suffering from dizziness when walking and numb hands, these have pretty much subsided now. However, I'm still having really down times where I feel guilty over nothing or just cry for no reason. I am much better than I was but not as good as maybe I'd hoped to be by now.
Just wondering if anyone could offer advice as to when I should start to feel 'normal' again? I know there is no miracle cure but I'm just curious to see how others felt on these tablets.
Thank you for any help

Hi, I took citalopram for around 9 years on and off and before this last episode had worked sucessfully for me. I became ill last October and started to take it again but this time it was not sucessfull so my Gp changed me to mirtazipine.

I think that you sound pretty lucky with changing over as far as withdrawal and side effects are concerned, i was pretty much house-bound for a good 2 weeks with the change over. I started on 15mg and almost 2 weeks ago increased to 30mg. I have noticed a huge difference in my mood but I still struggle with a bit of morning anxiety. I think that from what i have learned on this site it can take a whole lot longer to really feel the benefit from the meds.

My GP was reluctant at first to put me up to 30mg but when I started to feel down again etc he increased them straight away, it may be that you need to go up to 45mg and I know there are people on here on that dose that may be able to advise you further.

You might find it more beneficial if you post on the mirtazipine thread, as then others may see your thread more easily.

Good luck and let me know how you get on, as I am interested being on the same meds as you. Take care. Jo.

18-03-10, 12:02
Thank you for your replies.
I'm visiting my doctor again in 3 weeks as he wants to monitor how I am and my moods.
I felt quite bad yesterday, the knotted feeling was in my stomach and felt like I could go into a panic. The best thing I've learnt is that I need to distract myself, which is usually easier said that done! Went for a walk though and when I got back realised that I hadn't thought about panicking for a few hours so it must have done the trick.
I have a habit of trying to run before I can walk so to speak but I know with this you have to take it day at a time, just get frustrated with myself for not being able to do eveyting straight away!
I will keep you posted with how I get on, good luck to everyone else too, stay positive and that's half the battle