View Full Version : Vision problems

17-03-10, 01:00
I've had anxiety problems for years but lately have been having lots of issues with my vision, my eyes are finding it difficult to focus and the light just seem to be too bright and my eyes feel very tense and heavy. The other visual problem that i am having is a static like appearance to everything that i look at particularly noticeable in the dark, on dark and light surfaces, this symptom seems to be there all the time and is really starting to scare me, is this related to anxiety or is there something else wrong? I've had my eyes checked out and was told that they are fine, the optometrist said the focusing problem was most probably stress related and the static problem could be related to anxiety although he wasn't 100% sure but didn't suggest any follow up, i had my eyes dilated so he did get to have a very good look. Can somebody please shed some light on this?

17-03-10, 01:39
This is harmless Anxiousmum and the fact that you've had your eyes checked out and nothing of concern was found should put your mind at rest.

Vision problems are very common with anxiety and I've had similar symptoms to you in the past.

Trust me - it's nothing to worry about.

17-03-10, 02:05
Thanks for your reply! Did your static vision problem go away?

17-03-10, 07:25
I was about to write a post like yours yesterday but i didnt, this morning i see a post that could have been me written.
I have the same anxiousmum, the same symptoms and i have had them for a while now.
Of course they concern me and make me panic, i have been checked up and they cant see anything wrong.
Its hard to deal with but i guess we need to rely on the doctors.

/ Daniel

17-03-10, 15:26
Thanks for your reply! Did your static vision problem go away?

Yes, but it comes back if I get very stressed or get a migraine :lac:

17-03-10, 15:39
my eyes hurt or feel heavy when i dont get enough sleep... i know what you mean about light being too bright, it triggers anxiety sometimes. oh yea and when im very nervous i get that 'seeing stars' thing so it's anxiety related imo.

17-03-10, 16:09
my eyes sting and water it makes me anxious to

17-03-10, 16:17
When I felt at my worst a few years ago my eyes were really affected. I couldn't bear bright light and my eyes were always tired. It was an effort to look and concentrate on something. So don't despair - you're not alone with this.
Myra x

17-03-10, 19:30
Hi hun :D:hugs:

There are threads on the forums about the eys hun.

It is true that anxiety or stress can effect your eyes, when anxiety is present, it can pick up one or more of our senses, sight, smell, touch, hearing, tast. I myself had sense of smell, hearing, sight' they have gone very sensitive.

My eyse have been sensitive to bright light, from what I know, this is the bodys normal reaction when it thinks its in danger, but when you suffer anxietys, this can kick off just on its own.

You explaine what you see in your vision in the dark well. I have had this too. I am 90% panic, high anxiety free because of this great site, had this symptom a few days ago, it does not scare me anymore, ( under stress at the mo ) It does pass hun :hugs:

PLEASE hun, try and deal with FACT, you have had your eyes checked and all is OK. The more you fear a symptom the longer it can last.

Don't let Mrs anxiety play with you, let the symptom be there, but use positive self thoughts on why its there, eg, My anxietys up a little today, its ok, IT WILL PASS. I tend to use a less important statment now, eg, stressed becasue ?????? its ok, it will pass, it always does.



17-03-10, 20:13
Just wanted to say, I recently found this site and I have to say that for someone who has suffered anxiety on and off for years it is a real god send!

19-03-10, 14:30
Friends I wont take too much time in stating the problems related to anxiety through which I am passing right now. But seeing someone else also complaining of vision problems owing to anxiety has led me to scribble few lines here. I know this is not hallucination but I see my family members who are in and around me in a different way. Most commonly I can associate them with dangerous creatures and I do not know if I can make you people understand this the eyes see them absolutely clearly. Instantly I get the feeling they would come up to me and kill me. Even if the most dearest person of mine comes near me I get the same feelings. I am exhausted being alone and being on medications for so long and do not want any further medicine introductions in my life.
Being all by myself with the laptop my only companion I have found this place. It remains to be seen if the topics or discussions here manage to make me normalized to some extent but my vision problems need some serious thoughts.