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i hate panicking
17-03-10, 02:09
I'm back...arghhhh!!

I was on here last year and suffered from panic attacks and had them all under control but now they're back again...so just wanted to introduce myself again and say hello to everyone.

17-03-10, 02:10
Hi i hate panicking

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-03-10, 02:15
Sorry to hear the panic's back. But if you beat it once, I'm sure you can do it again.

Good luck. :yesyes:

17-03-10, 10:22
hiya sweet heart ,im a suffer aswell and yeah it dos come and go hun ,i wish it would stay away :( xxxx

17-03-10, 11:36
I'm an Anxiety Sufferer who thought I had that under control until it came back again the other week, I guess Panic attacks are the same.
Very frustrating and annoying

17-03-10, 11:54
hi i you overcame it once you will again

i hate panicking
17-03-10, 13:22
Thank you for everyones replys that's very kind of you and i will try and overcome it again..hopefully

17-03-10, 13:24
This is only a setback. You must be under stress again. Don't be afraid of them because you know they will pass. Setbacks actually make you stronger in the long run so please don't despair!

17-03-10, 16:04
This is only a setback. You must be under stress again. Don't be afraid of them because you know they will pass. Setbacks actually make you stronger in the long run so please don't despair!

That's a very positive way to view it. Try to step back and see it from this angle. Not only will you recover quicker but as Myra says, you'll come out of it stronger.

Let us know how you get on...

17-03-10, 16:10
Lots of positive comments here, but I know how you feel - I've suffered with anxiety for about 10 years and sometimes it just feels that life will never be normal again.

17-03-10, 17:42
We all have our own version of Normal. :winks:

17-03-10, 17:49
I agree and that's what my counsellor always tells me - I just sometimes wish that I could be the bright, confident woman that I used to be, rather than the frightened rabbit that has to have 3 cigarettes and several deep breaths to get her to the supermarket :wacko:

17-03-10, 20:52
I agree and that's what my counsellor always tells me - I just sometimes wish that I could be the bright, confident woman that I used to be, rather than the frightened rabbit that has to have 3 cigarettes and several deep breaths to get her to the supermarket :wacko:

:( I know that feeling.

All I can add is, recovery is something that can't be rushed. But finding some form of acceptance does make the wait easier. Personally, it allows me to plan tentatively and calmly for a future yet to come. I know it all sounds very new-age, hippyish and zen, but I'm not into any of that. The only thing I know for sure is that without coming to terms and accepting the way I am, I can't begin to move forward.

One more thing.

Change is inevitable. Time changes us all. And if we spend our days looking back, we're likely to miss what's ahead.

(Shit, I AM a hippy. Bollox!)