View Full Version : This never seems to end

17-03-10, 04:37
I sort of feel like the rest of my life is going to be hell because of this HA. I'm stuck in this never ending loop of thinking I have or will get a disease... rationalizing it... and then moving on to something completely different.

I was sleeping before and randomly woke up with skin cancer on my mind. I don't even know why because (knock on wood) I have no symptoms. Now I'm sitting here shaking and feeling like I'm going to throw up. I guess I'm worried because of the years of tanning out in the sun and that I can't turn back time. This is ridiculous though because I feel like I'm anticipating it. Just yesterday I was worried that I had contracted herpes - that had been going on for months. I just want to be happy and somewhat carefree. How do I shake this feeling of hopelessness? It's not fair. I feel as though I have no control over my mind anymore. The other day, I asked my parents if I could see someone for my HA - my mom just yelled at me and said we can't afford it. No one is taking me seriously at home, and I feel as though I'm suffering alone.

please help :weep:

17-03-10, 14:17
I feel so sorry for you as I am exactly the same. Always worried about getting a really serious illness. Doesn't matter what anyone says I just convice myself. I am going on holiday on Sunday and am constantly worried I am going to fall ill before going or when we are away. If I am in contact with anyone who is ill I worry i am going to catch it from them. I know i can't cover myself in cotton wool but its really hard. I am thinking of you.


17-03-10, 15:26
Hi, I have just been treated for skin cancer and it will usually rear its ugly head in the form of a mole. I used to love a tan and the occasional sunbed. If you don't have any strange or changing skin blemishes or moles that have grown in size, changed appearance or itch then please don't worry. Cances are you will not have skin cancer. If you do have them then just get them checked the sooner the better. Many are NOT skin cancer and are easily removed. The problem is if you ignore them like I did. But like you say, you can't turn the clock back.

Not sure if this has helped at all but please try a think positive. I know people who have worshiped the sun much more than me and burnt to a crisp and have always been fine and never developed a blemish.

19-03-10, 13:33
Thank you for the replies! Sunflower, I definitely know what you mean but since you're going on vacation, try and just focus on what you're doing and not the people around you. Generally, most people don't have illnesses that are too serious; the ones that do are usually not contagious. Just have fun :)

Welly, you know i realized that MANY people that i know who are sun worshippers have yet to develop skin cancer and i've always wondered why. I read this weird article online that people can develop skin cancer from both too much sun exposure and too little. It's weird and it has to do with vitamin D apparently. This made me feel better. I am thinking more positively because, right now, i'm too young to be focused on this. More likely, I'll move onto something else - great.