View Full Version : Exercise after 19 years of ectopic beats!

17-03-10, 08:25
Hello everyone
It was a beautiful day yesterday so I decided to see, after 19 years of ectopics, if it was true that exercise wouldn't kill me. I borrowed a bicycle and went for a ride. I ended up having a lovely day and regretting the years that I had lost to the anxiety of ectopics, panic disorder and agoraphobia. Only one ectopic all day. Ignored it. Infact, I cycled slightly faster to make a point to my body!
So, 40 year old man manages to survive his first proper exercise in 19 years. It's true what you ectopic sufferers are being told! I've been the guinea pig! So I urge you to get out there and get those endorphins going...just a word of warning though: an 18 mile bike ride = sore arse!!:ohmy:

17-03-10, 09:26
Well done! I'm a fellow ectopic sufferer and I did get my bike out but have been too scared to use it but may try now. X

17-03-10, 09:56
I suffer with this too. But when I am Well I have a very active life. It is true that Once your heart starts jumping/missing beats, a little exercise makes it go away. Plus you have the healthy benefits of getting some exercise.

17-03-10, 12:03
Wow, well done. I have started walking 3 times a week for miles. It does seem to help.

17-03-10, 15:52
After years of suffering ectopics I have now got relief by fast walking half an hour each day. I worked up from 15 mins...then 20 mins etc. I can do a 45 min walk with relative ease now and along with Purple Grape Juice the ectopics have all but disappeared. Also last BP reading was 10 points lower on both systolic and diastolic. Don't know if it will last but exercise is GOOD! Only down side is that I have now transferred my HA around cardiovascular stuff to my family and obsess and panic about them!! Oh Dear! By the way I am a pensioner...so anyone younger should go for it if it is anxiety causing their symptoms. XXXX