View Full Version : Been to doctors...(update)

11-01-06, 19:40
Thanks all for your fantastic support over the past few weeks- it really has been amazing.

Thank especially to Meg for talking to me and understanding and giving loads of fab suggestions :)

I went to the doctors today just to talk to her about how bad things were. She was very understanding and spent ages reassuring me and giving me practical advice (I told her lots of your suggestions, Meg and she agreed totally). She is happy to refer me for CBT or whatever and happy to see me or talk to me if I need it :) She said that the thoughts etc were all part of panic disorder and that it would get better.

So I have set myself the following goals
1. to keep a journal of how I feel so I can look back and see improvement :)
2. to start yoga
3. to practise relaxation techniques
4. to keep a list iof distractions in my bag so I don't have to try and think of one on the spot
5. to keep postitive affirmations.

I am pleased to say that, although I still have miles to go, today was not a hideous day and I have made it through without feeling quite so loopy :)

Thanks again.

Annie x

11-01-06, 19:50
Hi annie, glad your day went OK, you sound to have a very understanding GP the same as me, it dores help. Well done anyway and good luck!

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

11-01-06, 19:51
great news hun,
its nice to hear good news :)
its a great first step.

11-01-06, 20:09
Great news and I am so pleased that you now have a plan of action that you can stick to.

Good luck with it all.


11-01-06, 21:24

Glad it helped Annie

Think you'll find most of those are in our First steps article as well if you need any reminding.

And get that book too..


Meg xx

11-01-06, 21:45

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-01-06, 21:52
Oh Piglet - you've got jobs too . Expect a pm from Annie !!

pretty please xxxx

11-01-06, 23:21
thats great news annie!!

really positive - shes right, it will get better..

well done,


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

12-01-06, 08:03
Thanks Meg,

I've ordered the books (followed the link :) ) and some great affirmation cards suggested by Piglet :)

Annie x

14-01-06, 18:24
Annie... Im so glad you are feeling better! Keep it up and enjoy the Yoga, ive just started and i think it should be good! All the very best! Kt

14-01-06, 20:01
ooooooo ANNIE wish i had a doctor like you, I been waiting 2 years for CBT.
I have started doing pilates which is very much like yoga and it makes me feel more balanced (which i need with all the dizzy spells i take lol).

take care


14-01-06, 20:28
Good luck Annie on your road to getting better. We are all behind you and here to talk

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.