View Full Version : Reassurance needed- Ladies please

17-03-10, 09:40
Hi all. I've suffered with HA since 2007. If I'm anxious & stressed my stomach always suffers, cramps, sickness, IBS etc......... I've noticed now as I'm getting older (I'm 37) that some months during my period cycle that I'm suffering with back pain & cramps in my pelvis & rumbling stomach. At the moment i'm about 10 days into my contraceptive pill & I've got back ache, pelvic cramp & discharge (not coloured & no odour). Is this just because I'm getting older & bodies change. Some advice would be great. I don't won't to go to my GP as I spent most of 2007 living in his surgery! & I'm also NOT going to google because I know that within 5 minutes I'll be convinced I have some form of cancer. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks xx

17-03-10, 09:49
Hi Panda,

Im 39 and have had some odd moments over the years! I had problems when I had a coil so had that taken out. I am not on the pill but I have had periods that have been missed altogether (just a one off) More discharge than normal half way through, at the beginning of my period and at the end. Days late, a week late, some that last days, some that last over a week, some that are about to start and start a couple of days later!! My doctor has said its all down to hormones and the backache makes my stomach ache - thats what my physio told me. All to do with muscles, I had them checked out too!
Staying off google is the right thing to do and if you feel the need, I would pop to the doctors just to talk it over and get some reassurance, thats what they are there for. x

17-03-10, 10:50
Hi Panda girl - you are so right not to google! I am 34 and get period type pains very low down so much of the time (not just period). I have worried myself sick over this at various points over the years and have been told on numerous occasions that it is IBS. Also, I get an increase of clear discharge halfway through cycle. My doctor recently was very clear that hormones change in your mid 30s. For example I have terrible breast pain for half my cycle that I didn't have even a year ago. xx

17-03-10, 13:05
I get period type pains all the time and I'm never due a period when I get them, I'm only 29 so know I'm not entering the menopause or anything. I do have IBS though and asked about this type of pain on there and so many women said they get this type of pain with IBS so I've not been worrying. I get a discharge now and again throughout the month (usally white) but no bleeding or anythhing like that so not worrying