View Full Version : Brief recurrent depression

17-03-10, 11:42

I'm hoping somebody can help as I'm not sure where to turn. My boyfriend suffers from really severe anxiety and depression which has been awful since the summer.
He tends to have very short episodes but they're really bad when it happens and I don't know what else we can do! He's been on 40mg on Prozac for over a month now and although he's great when he's well (for about 8 days every 3 weeks), the rest of the time it's a really rapid descent which he struggles to get out of and then a slow climb out. I thought the fluoxetine would lessen it, but now I'm afraid it won't.

I'd be grateful for any thoughts and advice....

17-03-10, 20:45
Hi The drug doesnt work to its full potential straight away .So by the sound of it your boyfriend is doing ok , the first month of taking it is really quite an up and down time .Once the dose adjusts anything between 6-8 weeks it will become easier and moods tend to stabilise .After this time if the mood has not ,the Dr will ususally give an increase in Dosage .This will also take 6-8 weeks to work to its full potential ..All seems pretty normal from what you have said so .when your boyfriend reaches the 8 week mark you will know what to expect next .20mg is a fairly low dose and some people take a lot more .so dont lose hope ..Im sure he will be ok when he has reached his theraputic dosage, ie; the dose that works for him. ...It can be frustrating so keep trying to keep his thought patterns positive ,,it will help him get through this bad period ..wishing you both well Sue ..:hugs: