View Full Version : Phobia since termination (sensitive)

17-03-10, 12:23
I am doing well since the termination now, as in I accept it and I don't have nightmares anymore etc.... but I am left with a phobia of bleeding down belowhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif It sounds stupid I know:blush:

It didn't start straight after the op it was after my first period in January. It was VERY heavy, I was gushing everytime I moved around, even when sitting I could feel it. It was very dark and heavy for about 3 days, then it tailed off. Last month wasn't as heavy but I still had gushing everytime I moved around for 3 days.

I saw my GP and had swabs and bloods done to rule out any infection, just to reassure me as they were sure it was too late to get an infection. The results were all clear so theys adi the heavy bleeding is just a period and not related to PID or a womb infection.

It has been 14 weeks now since the termination and I am now left with this phobia of bleeding down there. I dread my period, I am due any day and I feel sick at the thought of ithttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif I have always had heavy periods, but never worried or felt anxious about it, I just got on with it, I used to go running during AF. Now I make no plans, don't like to leave the house and hate being alone during this time. It's that huge gushing sensation I had during my first period, it felt like I was haemoraging and it scared me alot.

I saw my GP and he reassured me it would fade in time, and that it is just my brain reacting to the termination, the bleeding reminds me of it, and I will get over this fear. I told him even between periods I sometimes check I am not bleeding, just incase I get bleeding between periods. I don't check constantly or anything but it has worried me alot I guess.

I am not anxious all the time or anything like that, I guess having helicobacter and still having alot of stomach trouble is not helping, so at times I feel quite low about all of that as I just want to feel normal and be able to eat without any pain, that has been ongoing for 13 weeks now.

I know I have had a bad run recently and things can only get better but I want this phobia of bleeding to go and I am not sure how to tackle it. Any advice?

17-03-10, 13:03
Have you thought anymore about taking the pill your Dr gave you? I really would, it's safe to take and can protect against certain cancers, make your periods regular so you know to the day you are due on etc.

I've been on the pill nearly 3 years and not had any problems at all. It's been a lifesaver and makes your periods so much lighter.

17-03-10, 13:26
Thanks Cat.

I saw my GP last week and he wants me to wait until I have my ultrasound for gallstones.

17-03-10, 15:28
Oh right, weird that he's making you wait as the 2 don't interact.

There are so many meds that the Dr can prescribe to make the flow much lighter. You only taking leading upto your period and the first few days then not again until the following month. I would definately ask if you could have something that helps with the flow

17-03-10, 20:44
I questioned it as it said on the leaflet to not be used if you have liver probs/gallstones. He said to wait until after the ultrasound results.

I do have meds from him to reduce the flow, so at least I know I have them if i need them.

I just really wish I didn't have this fear, I never once panicked when I had heavy periods in the past.

17-03-10, 20:57
jessicaLil it will fade when i had my daughter nearly 23 year ago i heamoraged i lost 4 pints of blood i had to have a blood transfusion then when i had my second daughter nearly 17 years ago i got a womb infection and bled very heavy again it did scar me for life regarding blood and i paniced when i had a period for along time but you will calm down if you r periods are heavy the dr can put you on a tablet call mefanic acid i think thats what they are called they slow the bleeding right down im on them at the moment

17-03-10, 21:08
Thanks Bronte.

I am sorry to hear that, it must have been traumatic. I have had 3 children, and after each birth I have worried a little about haemoraging. I was told after my op that if you are going to haemorage it is usually within 4hours of the birth or operation if it's a termination.

I guess since the first period I have been left with this fear that I will haemorage, if there is even the lightest infection up there since the operation but I guess that has been ruled out with swabs and bloods.

He has given me that medication and he said to take it if it is as heavy as the first time, I really did lose alot and it scared me. Hence the fear I now have.

andrea thompson
17-03-10, 21:21
hiya hon

i had a miscarraige in sept last year - but had to take tablets to get rid of everything!! not nice. i was bleeding on and off, sometimes gushing like you said for about twelve weeks. i had swabs and all that and i ended up with a womb infection. nightmare and so scary. but the dr didnt offer me anything to stem the bleeding they told me that it was my hormones reacting to not being pregnant. it did fade gradually and now i am back to normal with my periods at least - my mind and hormones still playing up - the dr said hormones could take up to a year to settle - omg!!!! they did at one point say that i could consider the pill to regulate my bleeding but i didnt bother. also i needed iron tablets. so i suppose what i am trying to say is you will be fine hon. all the symptoms will fade in time as the bleeding settles you will start to relax i am sure. you have been through a traumatic experience its not suprising that you are anxious about it all.

dont you think that there is a lack of support or advice available for women experiencing these problems? no counselling or support was offered to me. i didnt know what to expect or where to turn for advice when i was scared.

it will ease though hon.

take care

andrea x x (pm me anytime if you think i can help).

17-03-10, 21:57
Thank you Andrea. I shall pm you as this is quite graphic isn't it, and it would be good to talk.

18-03-10, 14:21
I have pmd you Andrea, thank you.

Well my period is on it's way, I can tell it will hit tonight/tomorrow and I feel really anxious about this month especially as I am on my own for the next 2 days.

I am just scared of that gushing sensation I had during my first period, it took a while to stop at one point and it has scared me abit I guess:-(

31-03-10, 12:21
I have had a similar problem, under the same circumstances :blush: i developed the same fear and even when the periods weren't so heavy i still feared them, especially the first couple of days, i would feel it is coming a lot and feel faint and had to check the pad all the time and when i would see it's not going as much as i feel it is i would just feel angry at myself, i kept thinking i feel faint coz i am bleeding a lot, but it couldn't be. Today i just got a period 8 weeks after i had my son even though i am breastfeeding him and it's really making me panic, it is hard after not having the period for so long, i feel the same faint feeling and sheer panic that it will be heavy and i will faint and i am alone here with the baby :weep:... i was so scared of bleeding after giving birth but fortunately the bleed afterwards wasn't bad at all, and after being scared and anxious about it for the first couple of days when i saw it's not getting worse and it wasn't even as heavy as a period can be , i was fine with it for as long as it lasted. But this, i didn't expect yet. And i am just sitting here afraid to even move in case it starts flowing more :lac::weep:

31-03-10, 17:12
I totally understand the fear of moving.

Will you consider a contraceptive to reduce the flow maybe? I have been given the pill for this reason.

Take care xxx

31-03-10, 17:42
Jessica, i too have had the same under the same circumstances. If you dont mind me asking, i'm sorry if i sound out of turn, did you have a surgical termination or the oral pill one?

I had a surgical when i was 18 and bled significantly afterwards. Please don't worry. When your preiods become regular and back to the norm you will hopefully feel so much better knowing that your body is doing what it should.

I know it's easier said than done but you'll be ok :)

The 'gushing' feeling isn't nice but your body has a magnificent way of correcting itself. Hang tight through this and the next will be easier... and easier...


01-04-10, 07:44
Thank you.

I hope my periods get lighter.

Did you take the pill to help things?

Yes it was surgical and i was 6 weeks.

01-04-10, 08:11
Same as me Jessica, i had a surgical @ 6/7 weeks.

I didn't have the choice of the pill, my surgeon booked me in to get the implant the next week. DON'T do that! I spent 5 years on what seemed like a constant period.

Last may i had it removed, and went on the pill. Periods are light with not much cramps and they come like clockwork. I could time then almost to the minute!!

You'll be fine on the pill.


01-04-10, 08:40
Thanks you Saz,

Can I ask what pill you are on?

01-04-10, 11:03
Saz, the pill is a mini miracle isn't it?

I started on the pill 3 years ago and wouldn't go back to not being on it.

01-04-10, 11:56
Yes it is a miracle! I'm on Marvelon (a little dodgy since i'm a smoker - but i'm trying to give up!!!). I was on Marvelon before i had the implant (and before my little mishap- obviously i missed one :weep:).

Once i'm married however, i'm going to drop down from the combi pill to an oestrogen (is this how you spell it) only pill - it's less effective but less chemicals...

If only we didn't have to put up with all this rubbish eh girls!!!!??
