View Full Version : Pancreatitis Worry

17-03-10, 12:51
As you are all probably aware because of my many posts (sorry) I have been sufering with stomach problems for months now and the doctor said it was a mixture of Acid & IBS. Well my symptoms have got worse (or at least no better) despite being giving different acid suppresant tablets.

I woke up this morning with a stinging, burning pain in the centre of my sternum and had to make myself sick to try to relieve it (it didn't) I made yet another appointment with my GP and he had prescribed Nexium and sent me for blood tests to check my liver and pancreas. I stupidly googled pancreatitis and am now convinced this is what I have as it mentioned that you get back/shoulder pain with it (which I do)

Then my mind runs away with itself and I think it's pancreatic cancer...I'm just so fed up with my HA and how it rules my life.

I am getting married in a few weeks and have loads to do, and all I can do is sit around and worry that I am dying.

Also I hate waiting for test results, so I am losing big time.

Can anyone help me, please?

17-03-10, 13:03
if you had it you would be in very severe pain high temp ,,eyes yellow ,, ,, my husband had it ,, ,the pain he was in was horrendous had to have morphine. so i think you will be ok ,when tests come back

17-03-10, 14:25
Thanks, but I am just so scared...I have pains in my left breast that go through to my shoulder and I am convincing myself that I have cancer that has spread everywhere. I am also feeling so stiff and can't walk pain free either *sob*

17-03-10, 14:58
i am so sorry you are suffering so ,, because you have anxiety your more focused on the pain your getting ,, i am sure you wont have cancer ,try to be positive don't cry love

17-03-10, 15:21
Could be stomach acid burning. As Gypsy says...if it were cancer of the pancreas you'd be in terrible pain, and yellow.

My Dad had it and I can tell you they are not the symptoms. You may need something to help with the acid, if thats what it is though. Its easy to say don't worry so wont cos I know how hard it is not too.

Take care

17-03-10, 15:24
Could be stomach acid burning. As Gypsy says...if it were cancer of the pancreas you'd be in terrible pain, and yellow.

My Dad had it and I can tell you they are not the symptoms. You may need something to help with the acid, if thats what it is though. Its easy to say don't worry so wont cos I know how hard it is not too.

Take care

What were his symtoms, if you don't mind I ask?

I'm sorry to cut in on your thread, OP. I'm where you are now, worried about the pancreas. The one time I allowed myself to google, half the symptoms were stuff I know I don't have, but I just fixated on the ones I do.

18-03-10, 15:35
I'm still in so much pain on and off, right now it feels like it did when I had gallstones...hate this feeling, don't want to do it anymore, nothing is helping...

23-03-10, 13:43
Hi Mondie,

I just wanted to say that I have had this as my main HA worry for almost a year and know exactly what you are going through!

I had the exact symptoms you describe (still have some of them now) and more!

Last summer I went to the doctors and had every test - blood, stool, ultrasound scan, CT scan, endoscopy....all clear. My symptoms were put down by the gastro consultant to IBS/nervous stomach disorder just before Christmas.

The acid tablets i had did nothing for my symptoms either. I started antidepressants though and within weeks my symptoms had improved. Now I am off the medication, the symptoms have come back and i am back to worrying again!

Can i ask what has made you worry about having pancreatitis, as it really is quite rare (i looked up all the stats, several times!!) Is it just that the symptoms fit? Mine is due to being rather too indulgent with alcohol over the last few years as well as the symptoms seeming to fit :doh:

If you want to PM me feel free as i could go on and on about this topic and will likely be boring everyone!

Best wishes x