View Full Version : no eptopic beat just the throat feeling

17-03-10, 12:59
hi everybody,

does anybody get just the feeling in the throat you get when you have
eptopics. this lately not been having the heart thud but just the feeling in the throat. well its like a feeling in the chest that goes into the throat.

17-03-10, 13:22
Yes, I've had this before and Claire Weekes mentions it in one of her books. Please don't worry though because it's another harmless anxiety symptom.

17-03-10, 15:13

thanks for your reply made me feel alot better.

17-03-10, 15:18
is it like a fluttery feeling in your neck? I had this once and immediatly connected it to my heart even though i couldnt feel it in my heart?!

17-03-10, 15:35

ye sometimes is flutters in my chest but cant really discribe the feeling in my throat.


17-03-10, 15:56
I am a new member (energetic 70 year old woman) who's had severe ectopics/palpitations for the last 18 months. They came on suddenly and have made my life a misery, sometimes having to cancel holidays etc. But I have good news! From a forum posting I discovered that some people had benefited from taking Magnesium supplements so I began to research its function in the body. It appears that many people have insufficient body stores of M (for short ref!) which don't amount to a serious deficiency but can result in certain symptoms like heartbeat irregularities, twitching legs, low energy levels and such. Older people like me are especially at risk because 1) we eat fewer foods with high M, 2) we absorb less M from the food we do eat and 3) if you've been on thiazide-type diuretics for years, as I have, you excrete more magnesium.

My husband is a veterinary surgeon so I checked all this with him - surprise, surprise! He told me that sheep on spring pasture suffer from a lack of magnesium which gives them the "staggers" - they twitch a lot and fall over because of heart irregularities - and he would be sent for to give them a shot of M whereupon they recovered! So I bought some M Oxide 150 mg (the cheapest form), took one a day, and within a week the palps stopped and I haven't had them now for 2 months. The RDA is 320 mg. I feel transformed - my energy has returned and the night-time leg twitches are much reduced. This is not complementary medicine, but sound science, though your doctor may look at you sceptically when you mention supplements (nevertheless do check with him/her first as people with kidney problems must be careful with M). My cardiologist confessed a couple of months ago that he probably couldn't help me with the palps and could only reassure me by tests that they weren't harming me. I do take lots of medicine for high BP and this can confuse the issue and make one worry even more, but there doesn't seem to be a close link between this and the palps. Taking M may not therefore benefit younger people but it's a harmless and cheap experiment to make if you're as desperate as I was!
This is a long posting but when you have good news, it's worth passing on. Good luck to anyone who wants to try it!

17-03-10, 16:07

thanks bee
I have been taking magnesium for about 2 weeks now and it has as you say helped me it has reduced my eptopics. although I do still have them but not quite as often as usual.


17-03-10, 16:39
Hi Lorraine

I get the same thing - usually when I'm anxious and immediately think I will have a heart attack. I have recently changed medication and found that it was a side effect so it could be that (if you are on any meds).

V :-)

18-03-10, 07:25
Yup. I've had this too! It's wierd how it seems to move around the body! I sometimes just get the sensation in the throat, sometimes in the side of my neck, sometimes in the chest and other times the stomach! Makes no sense to me but you're not alone and i'm happier to hear that i am obviously not either :)