View Full Version : pressure head

17-03-10, 13:24
hi all

just now im demented with pressure in my head ,had my sinuses checked but they seem ok

saw pyc other day who said its the depression that causes it

wondering anyone else suffer this


17-03-10, 13:33
do you mean headache or feeling your head is heavy?

19-03-10, 19:15
Not sure if this is the same but I had one sided sinus pain, they it would move around slightly but alwasy in the same area. Dull ache. I dwelled on it and tried meds and got scans was left with a huge case of anxiety now i am sort of dealing with my anxiety and it is going away. Wish I knew sooner.

20-03-10, 21:08
i have this problem also. hard to believe its anxiety or depression! i recently wrote on the depersonlisation post, have a read x

21-03-10, 16:09
Hey Jim,

The pressure feeling in my head was actually the first thing I really noticed and has been the most bothersome to me. It feels like there's something pushing behind my sinuses, and my eyes, and in the roof of my mouth, and inside my brain. Horrible feeling. I completely understand.

My psych tells me its just a symptom of anxiety. I'm currently on anti-depressants and the feeling has reduced a lot on them :)

Holy crap, that is identical to what I'm experiencing. I'm glad you stated that. I feel the weird feeling in the roof of my mouth too, kind of radiates into my upper teeth too. Not like a pain, but a pressure/dull ache. When you press on your scalp or sinus areas do you feel the pressure radiate to other areas of your head?

I worry the most about this symptom since it seems to be the most persistent. I just hope it's as mild as everyone says it is.

I had my sinuses checked out by a few ENT's also. I have minor sinus cysts and a deviated septum but nothing that they said would cause the symptoms I'm describing.

I think it may have to do with the nerve that runs through those areas. I believe it's the trigeminal but I could be wrong. Maybe due to lower serotonin or overstimulation by anxiety, these nerves just aren't functioning properly.

24-03-10, 23:56
i have only just started having head pressure i can feel it in my forehead like something is gently pushing at the back of my forehead i'm convinced its the anxiety but i am strill going to the dr just in case has anyone else had this kind of pressure? its only started recently that and a really stiff neck so im wondering is it's muscle tension? any thoughts???