View Full Version : Heartburn - really scared, someone please help.

17-03-10, 14:12
Hi There,
I have been having heartburn everyday for around 2 months. I have been worried abou it so I mentioned it to the Doctor today. He said as I am under 40 with no 'red flag' symptoms (I assume he means not much bloating and still got appetite?) that he isn't too worried. I am going on a really special holiday to Thailand on Sunday and am so worried about it :weep:. He said to go back in a month. Why would he want me to go back if its not serious?? Also how can it not be serious if I am getting it everyday? I have been burping more and also hiccups. I am so scared. Does anyone know if its possible to have heartburn everyday without it being serious? Please help as my anxiety is really bad. I am also worried about falling ill before hoilday and am constantly worried when I am in contact with someone with a cold :weep:.


17-03-10, 14:18
The doctor probably said to
come back just to see if it's got any better. I get bad heartburn quite often please try not to worry. Go on holiday and try your best to relax and I'm sure it will go. X

17-03-10, 14:20
Thank You for your help. I am so scared. I feel like if I enjoy my holiday I will get bad news when I come home. It like a vicious circle :weep:

17-03-10, 14:41
Do you think it could be an idea to call your g.p just to put your mind at rest? Come back in a month sounds like a standard thing they do, to me. I would hate it to spoil a special holiday. X

17-03-10, 14:42
Hi Sunflower. I have had HA for nearly 2 years now and have bounced from one horrid illness to another. I ckeraky remember that this time last year I was getting heartburn alot (very prickly chest etc). My tummy was also off. This lasted for months and I kept going back to the docs unitl the eventually did tests - all negative! (I was convinced soemthing was wrong). I was prescribed Omprazole and symptoms went away. Not sure if this was down to the Ompazole or stopiing worrying.....I expect relaxing on hols will stop it but if not, and you go back to the docs, bet it will be that they just give you Omprazole or something. xx

17-03-10, 15:16
When my health anxiety kicks in, the very first thing I notice is heartburn. Without fail. Have you tried over the counter medication for it? Like Tums? (not sure if this is just an American thing or not, or what they are called in other countries).

17-03-10, 18:10
Thank You all for your support. It really us nice to know people care and go through the same thing! The Doctor did prescribe something called Ranitadine (?) but I am too scared to take it as the side effects are endless. I have had bad reactions to Trimethroprim antibiotics and also Malarone anti malarial tablets before so reluctant to take anything especially with going on holiday. I think I will try some rennies when I am away and hopefully relaxing a bit will help (If I can stop worrying!!). I am always anxious about holidays because a few years ago I fell ill at the airport and we didn't get our holiday :weep:. Maybe the Doctor just wants to see how I am getting on in a month? I am scared and angry at myself for spoiling my life :weep:. Thanks again for everyones support.


17-03-10, 18:19
tell you what are good for it are gaviscon cool minis - they come in small packets so easy to pack for your hols... there is a clear link between being anxious and excess stomach acid or indigestion. The holiday will do you the world of good. Try some yoga breathing and relaxation techniques so that you dont think yourself into being ill and bring on psychosematic symptoms. I am due to go on holidays to Boston on saturday and Im always nervous before travelling which usually gives me acid indigestion or trapped wind that causes chest pain (fun!!) but just telling you so that you know you are not alone.

have fun


17-03-10, 18:26
^^ I agree, Gaviscon will do the trick! You could also try downloading some relaxation music/techniques from itunes to stick on your ipod for when you feel more anxious or for the airport. Oh and also, have you tried Rescue Remedy? If not I urge you to, It really does work, I use it all the time! I hope you have a FAB holiday, try to relax and enjoy it as much as you can :)

17-03-10, 18:26
Thank You so much. I will try something over the counter to see how I get on. I hope you have a fab holiday and your not too anxious before you go. I am trying not to be!! I will be thinking of everyone and trying to keep strong and not let the anxiety symptoms get the better of me! I hate it when you feel ill for something as exciting as a holiday. Take Care. xx

17-03-10, 18:29
daydreamer - I think the relaxation music for the airport sounds good. I think I tried rescue remedy a few years ago. I will maybe try it again! Thank You again EVERYONE so much.

xxxx :flowers: