View Full Version : Head pressure and dizzyness - reassurance needed

17-03-10, 14:42
Hi all - am back again. This is getting me so down. Everytime i think i am getting somewhere i get knocked back. And here i am again...

I posted the other day about feeling bad after doing exercise. It really concerned me because everyone else seems to feel much better after it. I have since felt terrible. Now, 2 days later, i have strong head pressure at the top of my head, feel really dizzy and spacey and keep thinking i am going to collapse - like it's just seconds away. It is horrible.

Why is this happening? It is scaring the life out of me and i am right back to brain tumours and impending serious disease. Should i be worrying so much?:weep:

17-03-10, 14:48
it might be best to see the docter,, it could be sinus ,,

17-03-10, 15:15
I get this type of pain and pressure with a dizzyness and spaced out feeling. Mine usually occurs when i have been extremly tense but not realised, in my case i will clench my jaw so tight when i sleep and hunch all my shoulders up and tense my neck. I know i do it it my sleep because i will wake up in that position. I also know when im doing it because i can re create the feeling of that pressure by purposefuly clenching my teeth together. I think the pressure is caused due to the tension of the muscles in your face being connected to the muscles in your head.

Sorry hope this makes sense! I know it is a horrible feeling, made worse by being anxious about it making you more tense. Hope you feel better soon though

17-03-10, 15:17
I also get this. Its pretty horrid and like Mary, it comes when am tense but sometimes appears for no apparent reason.

Why not get it checked with your doc...but honestly, it sounds like its all part of the big thing...HA

17-03-10, 15:44
Thanks all. This is really helpful.

I don't really feel tense, quite the opposite in fact. I just have this horrible feeling in/on my head. It is making me feel quite sick and dizzy and spacey. I was walking earlier and thought i needed to stop because i was about to fall over.

This is awful. I have no control and simoly don't know what to do. I haven't found anything or anyone (aside from this forum) which helps, or at least helps me find out what makes it better or worse. I feel like i am at the mercy of whatever symptom decides to strike that day/week/month etc.....

Has anyone got any advice?

17-03-10, 16:25
I felt reaallllly lightheaded/floaty today once I climbed out of bed! probably because I had a terrible migraine yesterday and hadnt eaten in nrly 24 hrs!

anyway, I get the pressure and lightheadedeness..its terrible...but after brain MRI being normal what am I to think? Must be anx or if it isnt it cant be anything life threatning!

17-03-10, 16:35
i want to know is the dizzyiness migraine related or it is just anxiety?

18-03-10, 15:00
Thanks again all. Really helpful to have people to talk to about this.

Julieannboo, not sure if your question is to all or me specifically. However, if me, i would love to know!!! that is the problem, i actually, even after 16 months, don't know what it is. I can't if it is in or on my head (i.e. muscles). People say it is the muscles contracting or spasming, but yet it doesn't feel like that to me. It just feels like someone is blowing a baloon up inside my head!

I have never actually, to my knowledge, had a migraine so i can't imagine it is one. The docs say anxiety - but then of course we never believe them so round and round it goes.....

18-03-10, 15:04

i am not a professional but it sounds like anxiety. rubbish i know.

my dizzyiness i think, is more linked to migraines and sitting at a computer all day long.

take it easy.

18-03-10, 15:08
I get different types of dizziness/lighthead.. Sometimes its a pressure top of head and feels like walking on sponge for few seconds. Other time its if I turn head too far one way and a fleeting lighthead feeling.. Sometimes its when I use pc at night with a light on.A kind of wobbly feeling in eyes/head for a moment or two.. I was told anxiety related to do with tension but I also have sinus flare ups.

20-03-10, 14:17
Thanks for the replies. I am going back to the doctor on monday. This is about the 10th time i have been in the last year - they must think i'm a joke. 3 years ago if i went to the doctor more than once every couple of years that would be unusual.

I have no doubt that i have HA but i cannot accept that there isn't an underlying physical cause of this head, eye pressure feeling and the dizzyness etc too. I am not for a minute suggesting it's extremely serious - it could be sinus related - although that is what i fear, brain tumour or aneurism. It is my worst fear. And it is materially impacting my life - i think of little else, or if i do, the anxiety is waiting in the background...

The fact that doing exercise brings this on, even if i haven't done anything for a year, almost proves this to me. There are countless posts recently about the postivie effects of exercise. I am effectively not able to do it because a day later i feel awful. That isn't right is it???

I feel like i am dragging a huge deadweight around behind me and i can't live properly. And i fear that is me for the rest of my life - like i'm living a half-life. It is tiring and feels pointless and nothing changes, nothing ever improves, it just goes on and on and on and on....round in circles. I really don't know what to do next.

20-03-10, 21:21
Mine is the same although the i suffer from a band of pressure around my forehead, the dizziness made me think of brain tumours and all things bad as i couldn't explain it away. Have had this for nearly 2 years now, i was convinced i had cooked my liver due to some serious years of drinking but my Doc is happy with my LFT's so can't be that, although with the IBS upper right hand pain/discomfort i have questioned him on this, that was when they said HA so thats that. HA is no fun but it's not fatal so thats got to be good in comparoson to what i thought i had.

20-03-10, 21:30
i also suffer from this and exercise can seem to make it worse. for me i think that is because i had my first panic attack at a gym and i fear that exercise can make me be sick or faint (which are my greatest fears). saying that, i have not let it beat me. i have joined the gym again this week as part of my CBT and have coped with 2 sessions already. i also continued to exercise by running and walking outside inbetween that - running my first 10k last year! i thought it was a brain tumour too and have had every test, but there comes a point where you just have to accept that its anxiety causing it. i dont profess to have a simple cure as i havent found one but i am fighting on and do believe i will get over this - and my god it will be like being on the highest dose of antidepressants when i do as ill be able to live life again without feeling ill! keep on with the exercise - its hard but it will do your good. rationalise and tell yourself that 'normal' people can feel dizzy and sick after exertion, so why shouldnt you? I find reading about it helps - it helps reinforce the message that this is just anxiety and it will go away! Good luck x