View Full Version : pain in armpit and sore after surgery

17-03-10, 15:08
I had surgery for skin cancer in december and had a huge malignant melanoma taken from my left shoulder. I had a CT scan and the cancer had not spread but since the operation I get sore under my armpit and just under the top of my arm. There are no lumps but it's very tender. I do keep pressing around as I have been told to check every 2 weeks for lumps under my arms and around my neck. My left side on my neck is very tender but again I had a CT scan and it was all clear. Am I just paranoid now? I'm still trying to accept what I have been through and the disfigurement of my shoulder blade area where I now have a 11cm round hole. Ive gained weight since I have been diagnosed and petrified the cancer will come back. Could it be anxiety?
I am new to this forum and Any advice would be greatly received.
Thank you for reading my post.

17-03-10, 21:05
:)Hi Welly :)

From what you say I wouldn't say you are paranoid at all, after the experience you have gone through anyone would be worried.

I'm not an expert but I would hazard a guess that having such extensive surgery would affect the muscles and nerves in the armpit and neck region and you only had it done 3 months ago..give yourself some time to recover.

You have been cleared from any sign of cancer spread so try and take some comfort from that. I would suggest that maybe you can go to your GP and ask for some support re how you are feeling and your fears as it sounds to me like you have basically been left to get on with things by yourself!

Possibly if you can talk through your fears with someone it will help you come to terms with whats happened particularly as you are having to keep such a close eye for anything unusual physically.

Please let us know how it goes and good luck :flowers:

21-03-10, 21:45
Thank you for your support. I am unable to work at the moment and I have been referred to a conditioning management scheme by the DWP. I'm going to give it ago as it is difficult as so much has changed in my life. It covers a wide range of things and is supported by the NHS. I have a routine check up in April at the dermatology clinic. It's all very surreal! I have gained a lot of weight too and lost all my self esteem, they are going to refer me to a gym for a few weeks which may boost me up a bit but I will be very restricted as my back is in such a bad way and I still can't lift my arm or carry any weight. What a nightmare!

margaret jones
21-03-10, 22:41
Welcome to NMP you will find lots of people to chat to and who will support you and offer friendship and a listening ear take care

Maggie xxxx