View Full Version : A question for Reflux sufferers taking Omeprazole

17-03-10, 17:32
Am having a bad reflux day. I have really suffered with chest pain today but because I had accompanied throat pain and belching I am going to assume it is related to reflux. If I don't I will go into panic mode and fret about my Heart so I am trying to convince myself it really is reflux.

My question relates to Omeprazole. I started on 2 x 20mg per day but reduced it to 20mg as I thought I was having side effects. The good news is symptoms reduced. They didn't completely vanish but they reduced so much I decided to drink some alcohol at the weekend, a few glasses of champagne last night (because it was free!! :)) and have eaten chocolate daily that my lovely kiddies bought me for Mother's day! Oh, and had the odd packet of crisps too. All the foods and drink that I started to avoid. I seemed to get away with it and others have said since taking Omeprazole they can eat what they like but it appears not.

I am now worrying if I have done more damage by falling off the wagon or if it is something more serious because the Omeprazole are no longer working.

Does anyone out there take Omeprazole and have relapses with their symptoms if they eat or drink something they should be avoiding or should I not be getting these symptoms whilst taking Omeprazole?

I just need to know if this will get better again or if I have damaged myself and the Omeprazole will not work anymore.

17-03-10, 20:37
hi mate iv been on these now for around six months i get lots of chest pain because acid goes back up but it dont make any odds what i eat some times i get it bad and other days i dont i eat what i like though funny i seem to have no energy and breathless since i started taking them does any one else feel like this let me know please

17-03-10, 21:06
I'm not sure what Omeprazole is, I think the UK has different names than we do in the US.

However, I have been on medication for acid reflux for years. Every couple of years I have to change the type I am on. I have no idea why this is. I just start getting that breakthrough acid and the doctor puts me on a different kind and I'm o.k. again.

That said, I bet anything its all the "forbidden" foods you ate that is making you sick. Try experimenting for a little while with a really clean diet, and if you are still feeling the acid talk to the doctor about changing the med. Here in the US there are many different types of acid reducing drugs. There are some that suppress the acid all together, some just keep it at bay, etc. It does take a little adjustment every so often to get it just right.

Also, keep in mind (coming from someone who has had both HA and acid reflux for 20+ years), the very first symptom of anxiety for me is acid reflux. Always. I know enough now to know its anxiety, and that alone usually cures it. Anxiety takes its toll on the digestive system, that much I know for sure. Another common thing I get is rib pain. Again, I've learned over the years that I'm not having a heart attack, I don't have bone cancer, its anxiety. Why it affects my ribs I'm not sure, but I do know if it was something awful I would have died from it years ago.