View Full Version : Advice please?

17-03-10, 19:25
Hi everyone.

Wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with someone winding you up about HA? Things are being said on purpose such as, let me take your pulse it might be irregular etc. Every time something like this happens, it makes me have a huge panic attack and in turn fuels my HA. I find it highly distressing so I need to be able to cope with it, but I can't at the moment :weep:

17-03-10, 19:39
Who has been asking to take your pulse etc and why? Is it because you are having symptoms and they are trying to be helpful? Is there anyone is particular that does this?x

17-03-10, 19:41
iv met people like that too who say things to you like ill just go the doctors and say im depressed that way i can have a couple of weeks off sick and at first it would really upset me. Now i just tell myself they are poor ignorant people who must have a sad life if all they can do is think how to make awfull comments like that. Just ignore them and pretend you dont care what they think and then they will get fed up of trying to wind you up. Oh by the way when they are moaning about being ill dont comment and dont ask how they are feeling they will hate that. Remember them that laugh last laugh longest


17-03-10, 20:23
try not take any notice people have not got a clue what we go through mate take care

17-03-10, 21:52
Cheers guys! yes I need to stop letting it get to me. I just couldnt handle it tonight, it brought on a panic attack after I'd had a good day too!

18-03-10, 10:12

Just remember one thing.

As sufferers, we are very very strong.

We are very very brave.

And we are very very sensative!

Actually that's three things!!!

In my book, that puts us above everyone else!