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11-01-06, 21:23
Hi everyone,
I have just taken my 23rd pill of lustral today. I cant say that I am feeling better yet. I could really use some reassurance that Ive still got hope that it could work. I am trying very hard on my end to help myself as I know there is no miracle cure, but Id like to think the meds will be a big help.

Is the normal chain of events in the illness to start with a panic attack, then feeling anxious all the time, then fearing when its gonna happen again, then not wanting to go out, then getting depressed, then feeling hopeless? I am starting to wonder if im more depressed now then anxious. Its like I really dont care about anything at the moment. Im having a hard time telling if im feeling depersonalized or just very depressed and apathetic? Can you guys help answer that for me please! Chrissy

11-01-06, 21:27
*Is the normal chain of events in the illness to start with a panic attack, then feeling anxious all the time, then fearing when its gonna happen again, then not wanting to go out, then getting depressed, then feeling hopeless?*

Yes it is, if unchecked and this is where you need to slowly cut the spiral off in its tracks and start to challenge each individual issue and see it from a variety of perpectives not just the most negative and pessimistic possible.

It is not easy and doable overnight but gently and slowly it does help.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-01-06, 22:35
Hey meg im trying so very hard to see things positively and it is damn hard! But, I did go to the library and get a claire weekes book and I like it alot!

anyone have words about the meds or any thoughts on the difference between depersonalized and very depressed that I mentioned?
Thanks everyone Chrissy

11-01-06, 23:52
hi chrissy, i remember buying claire weekes 'essential help for your nerves', a very easy to understand read and im sure it helped.

have the meds not helped at all? i think they are designed to make you feel more stable, rather than better. i was curious to ask you, what are your expectations of the meds? what do you want them to do for you? - at the end of the day, if you think they are not working, bring it up with the DR/ANALYST that prescribed them. sorry if not very reassuring.

maybe your feeling depersonalised and depressed. hug for you, keep your chin up. have you got any hobbies you can throw your attention into, stuff to do in the house to stay busy, favourite tv to catch up on, update your ipod - anything that can keep your mind focussed and occupied.

i read a good success story posted today, go and have a look. people recover, dont lose hope. i know your saying that you dont feel ok - your posts are reading like your thinking is ok. you take care .. andrew

12-01-06, 01:14
As for the meds Andrew I should tell you that the first week I was only on a half of the smallest dose. The second week I moved up to the lowest dose you could take and about 5 days ago I started on the "normal" dose. So its been a total of 23 days on it, but less then a week on a theraputic dose. As for my expectations - I am hoping that it relieves some of the constant nervousness and self-monitoring. I hope that it relieves some of the depression that I have been feeling due to the anxiety. And lastly I am hoping that as my anxiety is under control better, then the symptoms such as depersonalization also get better. I have been told that is what will happen and I hope so badly that it does! I have been told that it can take 6-8 weeks to really get back to "normal". So, it is my hopes that I just havent given it enough time. The doctor told me that I needed to give it more time but I havent talked to him in a week. Also Ive only been to therapy twice and I have heard that can take some time too. Any thoughts you have are welcomed and appreciated!!!

12-01-06, 03:37
hi chrissy, so your gonna give the meds more time? well they are supposed to lower your anxiety, which in turn would allow you to deal with those other issues/symptons. (ive not been on meds, i did seriously consider it, but they were all on the banned drug list at work and i couldnt afford that choice and i had dependence issues) anyway.....

self-monitoring can be hard work, if you are anxious and depressed the results are always likely to reflect that. and dont get me wrong, it is important to know how you feel - how else would you be able cope or talk about it - but when you get your answer, try and accept that is just how you feel at the time, rather than analysing it to death.(im sure thats in the claire weekes book) .. tc andrew

12-01-06, 17:19
Yes Andrew im going to give the meds more time. I just hope and pray they do for me what the doctor says they will. I am trying very hard to just accept my symptoms and ride this out if you will but its damn hard! As I said one minute im full of hope and the next I feel hopeless! I feel very out of control and depressed at the moment, and I hope to God that the intensity of this passes soon. It just seems like my mind wont shut off. I really want to get out there in the "real world" again so I can focus outward and not inward so much, but at this time I just dont have the motivation or the strength to do it. Its a very frustrating feeling. Its like im just stuck in the middle of good and bad. Not really either one at the moment - just here. Trying hard to get through each day with no real purpose behind it. Thanks for listening and commenting if you have any encouraging words. Love Chrissy

12-01-06, 18:20
Chrissy ,

It is really really frustrating I know

As well as the meds and your therapy what measures are you taking to try to self help ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-01-06, 20:38
Well I have gotten a couple of books, one was claire weekes. Ive read them and continue to read them as encouragement. I am trying relaxation techniques such as stretching, visualization and imagery and positive thinking. It just seems I cant hold onto the postive for very long, but I guess its good that I am at least having positive thoughts even if only for a second or two.

13-01-06, 00:17
hi chrissy, its good that you are having your positive moments. you are doing loads to help yourself out, a big well done. i was gonna ask if you have read up on cutting certain foods from your diet which can sometimes help lower the anxiety.
it is hard when your feeling down and your mind is racing but you are doing the right things, keep trying, keep positive, keep telling yourself .. tc andrew

13-01-06, 00:22
Good news then .

Yes it does start with a few seconds and then increases.

Exercise ???? to go with Andrews diet please...


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 04:01
no i dont know what foods to avoid other then caffiene, but I would like to know!

13-01-06, 10:28
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)
sugar addiction and our moods. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6908)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 11:58
hi chrissy, caffiene was the main one i had in mind, although i think high sugar/carb/fat hits are just as likely to speed up the brain chemicals. and if your brain / thoughts are racing then its worth while trying different things that might help tip the balance. even i brought de-caff tea bags once, trying to escape that constant anx/gad state of mind. although i'd suggest moderation rather than abstanance - which might stress the system even more in the short term .. tc andrew

13-01-06, 16:19
Wow Meg, I read those posts you sent me and it sounds just like me. I went to the radiant recovery website about sugar and its like I was reading about myself. I "crash" every morning at about 10am just as they listed. I never eat breakfast just as they listed and so on. I have been telling my mom for a week now that I feel shaky and trembly and I feel really really hungry but just cant seem to eat anything. My appettite has been nill and none for about two weeks now and my tummy is always grumbling. I probably only eat about a piece of toast a day. Can lack of food really be causing symptoms of detachment and the racing thoughts? Thanks alot for your input! Love Chrissy

13-01-06, 16:23
Yes it can. It is usually in conjunction with anxiety and is transient so wil pass as you improve.

Worth trying for 3 weeks to see if it helps

happy to help


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 23:19
i think we all feel like this, i have never taken any meds, i have tride but they dont agree with me and i think panic attacks arent like depression , there not there all the time, so you wouldnt take a headacke pill every day just in case. but thats me, i do take herbale things like " quite life" and rescue remidy which some one, i mean everyone told me to take and that really works, now at least i go out , its only some times and if i feel to bad i sont go , and then set my self some thing and make myself do it. hope this helps you , just remember your not the only one, i think that helped me. karen