View Full Version : the fear of lumps and bumps

17-03-10, 19:50
hi guys

just wondered how many of you fear lumps and bumps on neck or other areas of body like breasts etc.
I wanted to know if you prevent the anxiety by not checking for them or you can check but stay calm.

I ask because i dont feel that avoiding checking is healthy just like excessive checking is. I really want to be normal and check without freaking out and thinking 'that is definitly cancer!!' over minor lumps and bumps............how do i achieve this and has anyone else achieved such normality.

thanks......looking forward to replies

peace out

17-03-10, 20:04
Hello randomworry,

My main anxiety has been breast cancer, and I find it absolutely impossible to check, because I know it will freak me out. I accept I have health anxiety, and I am vulnerable, so I don't expose myself to situations which I can't cope with. I suppose ideally, I should confront these fears, but my suffering has been so immense over the years I just don't want to put myself through the torment. My husband checks for me, and I leave it at that. I think one way of gaining confidence to allow yourself to check would be to do it under supervision. I have often thought I should let my husband do the check, tell me all is fine, and then allow myself to check. Still haven't plucked up the courage.

17-03-10, 20:05
Why don't you decide to check once a week? Then you can forget about it. Excessive poking and prodding can actually make lumps n bumps like glands more prominent and then you'd panic!! You are obviously very anxious at the moment and when you are a bit calmer you won't want to check so much.
Myra x

17-03-10, 20:20
can 'normal' people see lumps and bumps and not freak tho......what do you guys think?

17-03-10, 20:24
but you are normal!! Just normal with anxiety!! Yes, I think anyone would think the worst if they found a lump, but we need to remember more often than not it's completely harmless. Any lumps that worried you should be checked by a doctor just to reassure you.
Myra x

17-03-10, 20:48
I have the same issue...I am constantly checking for lumps and bumps....I had night sweats last night and the night before and it totally freaked me out and right away I thought the worst in Lymphoma....WHAT???? I mean come on, I had just gotten my period and I am starting to take prozac again...can you say, calm down Shanny??? LOL....us anxiety sufferers are so hyper sensitive when it comes to evaluating out bodies, if someone were to tell us, "you have an itch" we, as axiety suffers will find one.....it'll be ok, if you aren't sure make an appointment with your doctor, hang in there :)

17-03-10, 21:07
You have to know how to check (breasts particularly). If you prod and poke with fingers you will find lumps, because we are all lumpy inside! Flat of the hand....gently...is how I was taught/shown.